Matt Gaetz Is Said to Be Investigated Over Possible Sexual Relationship With a Girl,

Well for one, black violent crime is far more proportionately than white crime. That is surely beyond dispute, it's about time that was acknowledged and not swept under the carpet. I happen to think that the UK is far ahead as far as that's concerned.

More proof you're a racist. You look at the skin tone, not the economics involved.

Why do you think the UK is "far ahead"? Because of the Royals position on race? :laugh:

Representative Matt Gaetz, Republican of Florida and a close ally of former President Donald J. Trump, is being investigated by the Justice Department over whether he had a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old and paid for her to travel with him, according to three people briefed on the matter.

[FONT=&]Investigators are examining whether Mr. Gaetz violated federal sex trafficking laws, the people said. A variety of federal statutes make it illegal to induce someone under 18 to travel over state lines to engage in sex in exchange for money or something of value. The Justice Department regularly prosecutes such cases, and offenders often receive severe sentences.



There is a second one too

Tom something

I’ll go get the story
Matt is definitely going to prison, federal indictments for child sex trafficking never end well

wonder what his poor wife things about all this, probably jumping for joy
Well for one, black violent crime is far more proportionately than white crime. That is surely beyond dispute, it's about time that was acknowledged and not swept under the carpet. I happen to think that the UK is far ahead as far as that's concerned.

Get proof of your claim you dumb assed racist
Matt is definitely going to prison, federal indictments for child sex trafficking never end well

wonder what his poor wife things about all this, probably jumping for joy

Probably pissed all the money will be gone

She married this asshole

She’s likely no gem
Matt is definitely going to prison, federal indictments for child sex trafficking never end well

wonder what his poor wife things about all this, probably jumping for joy

The ONLY thing that could make this better is ... Matt having sex with an underage boy! :)
As I said with other folks... I'll wait for the investigation. Cuomo too. With Cuomo, I still think killing all those grandmas was enough to get him kicked out of office... If the sexual predation is real too then he's truly f**ked.

In this case, he is clearly going to fight this one. Let's see what comes of it. If it is found he really did pay some girl to travel with him and have sex then he deserves prison time for trafficking and you won't find many right wingers defending him.
As I said with other folks... I'll wait for the investigation. Cuomo too. With Cuomo, I still think killing all those grandmas was enough to get him kicked out of office... If the sexual predation is real too then he's truly f**ked.

In this case, he is clearly going to fight this one. Let's see what comes of it. If it is found he really did pay some girl to travel with him and have sex then he deserves prison time for trafficking and you won't find many right wingers defending him.

If Cuomo committed any crimes he should be prosecuted

same with Matt or anyone else.......Cuomo's behavior doesn't diminish the level of Matt's depravity
If Cuomo committed any crimes he should be prosecuted

same with Matt or anyone else.......Cuomo's behavior doesn't diminish the level of Matt's depravity

Again we will see. This assumption of "if" with Cuomo, but surety of guilt with the other is simply partisan idiocy. Either we always wait or we always assume guilt, this assume guilt for "the other guy" and assume innocence "for our side" nonsense has to end if justice is truly blind.

I am consistent, I always say to wait for the investigation.... well, pretty much always. Then using information from the investigation we can hold a conversation.
Again we will see. This assumption of "if" with Cuomo, but surety of guilt with the other is simply partisan idiocy. Either we always wait or we always assume guilt, this assume guilt for "the other guy" and assume innocence "for our side" nonsense has to end if justice is truly blind.

I am consistent, I always say to wait for the investigation.... well, pretty much always. Then using information from the investigation we can hold a conversation.

I have no doubt Cuomo did exactly what the women said he did. OTOH, aside from misconduct, what is the crime in patting a woman's ass? It's certainly not rape, pedophilia, theft or murder.

It's a sexual assault crime, but such "he said/she said" crimes often can't be proved beyond a reasonable doubt...which is why they often end up on civil court and a settlement.
If Cuomo committed any crimes he should be prosecuted

same with Matt or anyone else.......Cuomo's behavior doesn't diminish the level of Matt's depravity

Agreed. Good luck proving it against Andrew. Notice that both Bill and Trump are walking around scottfree from their sexual crimes.
As I said with other folks... I'll wait for the investigation. Cuomo too. With Cuomo, I still think killing all those grandmas was enough to get him kicked out of office... If the sexual predation is real too then he's truly f**ked.

In this case, he is clearly going to fight this one. Let's see what comes of it. If it is found he really did pay some girl to travel with him and have sex then he deserves prison time for trafficking and you won't find many right wingers defending him.

Agreed and that might still happen but notice that it's unlikely to see any criminal actions attached to his decisions as governor and the COVID Response.

If the door is opened to prosecuting Governors for fucking up their COVID response, then where does that leave Trump?
Not according to you. To you he's guilty because CNN says so.

Wrong again, son. I think he's guilty because 1) I watched him kill a man, 2) court testimony says he violated his training and procedure and 3) the fact he was fired for those offenses.

However, you are free to believe whatever bullshit you want regardless of how stupid and petty it makes you look.
Again we will see. This assumption of "if" with Cuomo, but surety of guilt with the other is simply partisan idiocy. Either we always wait or we always assume guilt, this assume guilt for "the other guy" and assume innocence "for our side" nonsense has to end if justice is truly blind.

I am consistent, I always say to wait for the investigation.... well, pretty much always. Then using information from the investigation we can hold a conversation.

Reagan's Gonads is a mega bullshitter, the very epitome of a Californicator!