Here's another question: is the chicken an egg?
You would not risk your life to run into a burning fertility clinic to save a petri dish of blastocysts, so you do not actually think a human life actually begins at conception.
It is strictly a question for metaphysics, not science.
Hello AProudLefty,
Well if one is the other then the other is one.
Of course you know what I’m talking about lol.
It’s nuts and bolts biology, but since it has ‘certain implications for a certain issue’ you/they can’t accept it. Hence, all the metaphysical and epistemological somersaults.
Progressives have done the same thing with the gender identity stuff: they can’t accept the straightforward biology so they invent terms and etc.
See how silly this gets? Why not just accept the science?
Hello Darth,
We don't hear you talking like that in the Climate Change thread.
Climate change is a theory. And a debatable theory at that.
There’s nothing theoretical about when an organism begins to exist. In fact, it’s the definition of settled science.
This should even be a debate.
We have already settled that. LOL. Why don't you go further and try to tell us what you are trying to debate?
This debate is over and I won [no, the truth won] as far as I’m concerned lol.
That the chicken egg is a species of chicken? That's what you've been debating?
Yes every living things are parts of species at any stages of development.
Climate change is a theory.
A species of organism is always the same species of organism regardless of the stage of development.
It’s always an organism and it’s always the same organism from the moment it’s conceived.
You seem to have a problem with this lol.
Yes. The species are always the same species. Unless they branch off of an evolutionary tree.
Hello AProudLefty,
Well there is a thing in science called evolution.
This is most amusing.
In this thread we have one conservative arguing that science supports the conservative position, and in another thread we have a conservative arguing that the science which supports the liberal position on climate change is meaningless.
The definition of life, or when life begins are metaphysical questions, not a scientific questions.
There are multiple definitions of life, and you could spend hours googling any number of them.
The fact that two centuries after the onset of molecular biology there still is not a universal scientific consensus, tenet, or law on a precise definition of life highlights that it is a metaphysical question.
There is no empirical reality behind our numerous definitions of life. It is all based on subjective metaphysics.
God.....What came first?
Was it the chicken?
Or was it climate change deniers.
"What Is Life? Here’s Why There’s Still No Definition"