HAHAHA. Case against Chauvin so weak prosecutor brings in George Floyd daughter

No, I don't have a sock. I find that entire phenomenon to be bizarre. It's like catfishing. There is something truly pitiful to me about someone spending time (and generally a lot of time) pretending to be someone one isn't or intentionally trying to harm, scare, or bother someone. And when those other people are not even exes, romantic interests, the kids in school you hate, or your kids but are anonymous strangers? That's just some next level personality disorder/boredom/loneliness.

Lol I figured, you just responded to my response to him that came off like it was you. I agree on socks.
Who said that? That would be a stupid thing to say.

The only way we can stay socially distanced in the city is to stay locked down. We do everything else (masks, hand washing, constant disinfecting of surfaces, etc.) better than most places, but this place was designed to be crowded.

Several posters. Yes its very stupid. Lol
As it turns out, no. Chauvin was immediately fired for doing it; and his sergeant testified in court that he shouldn't have done it.

What's your next excuse for why Floyd deserves to be dead, TrumpKlan? At least two of you have already admitted, in writing, in this forum that Floyd deserves to be dead because he's black. Are you the rest of you finally ready to say it?

Who said that?
The police do not decide what constitutes murder. The legislature and the courts do. Not only that, but the police don't even agree with you. Or did you miss Chauvin's sergeant's testimony?

It was an approved technique by THE DEPARTMENT. The Sergeant is trying to save his own arse, and the keep the city from burning.
Police officer at Chauvin trial: Knee on neck is ‘deadly’ force
In the trial of former Minneapolis officer Derek Chauvin, the head of the police department’s homicide division offers harsh testimony.


Kneeling on the neck of someone who is handcuffed and in the prone position is “top-tier, deadly” force and should not be used, the head of the Minneapolis Police Department’s homicide division testified on Friday at former officer Derek Chauvin’s murder trial.


That's the way it is.
That bootlip motherfucker! Cop should have just stuck his lips to a windshield and he'd be stuck there until further notice! :laugh:
It was an approved technique by THE DEPARTMENT. The Sergeant is trying to save his own arse, and the keep the city from burning.

It doesn't matter. The police make rules to run their organization internally. Police policies have no bearing on the law. Not only that, but Chauvin fucked up because he didn't know how to use his "approved technique" properly and killed a man. So now he can die in jail either at the end of his natural life or when a bunch of cop-hating convicts kill him and the prison guards hide his body because he made law enforcement look like a bunch of evil assholes.
Stay out of my city, that will not end well! So set the world on fire for one guy, who resisted arrest, and died of a drug induced heart attack?

You are simpler than addition. This was never about one guy. Open your fucking eyes.

Fucking white people. I swear.
It doesn't matter. The police make rules to run their organization internally. Police policies have no bearing on the law. Not only that, but Chauvin fucked up because he didn't know how to use his "approved technique" properly and killed a man.

Floyd was a dead man anyway. He was saying "i can't breathe" even BEFORE he was put on the ground, you moron. He was dying of asphyxiation though it appears he had a heart attack before that could happen. Anyway chauvin didn't kill him.. He did nothing wrong, not that that will save him. The jurors know the press will dox them if they say not guilty.
Floyd was a dead man anyway. He was saying "i can't breathe" even BEFORE he was put on the ground, you moron. He was dying of asphyxiation though it appears he had a heart attack before that could happen. Anyway chauvin didn't kill him.. He did nothing wrong, not that that will save him. The jurors know the press will dox them if they say not guilty.

I don't care what you believe as long as Chauvin dies in prison.