Is an egg a chicken?

that's a cop out. if you don't want a kid, don't screw or take preventative measures. the rest of us are not responsible for your irresponsibility.

If you don't want one, keep your tiny worm where it belongs... in your pants. Problem solved! Otherwise, keep your self-righteous nose to yourself.
Laws which charge a woman with murder if she has an abortion are an imposition of the religious faith of some people upon the rest of the people.

That is a violation of the 4th Amendment, the right of the people to be secure 'in their persons.'
I don't want to see any laws that force a woman to carry a pregnancy to term if she doesn't want to. .

I find it sad that you think only the religious can find it wrong to kill your unborn children......almost makes me think there is good reason to condemn the irreligious......
Laws which charge a woman with murder if she has an abortion are an imposition of the religious faith of some people upon the rest of the people.

That is a violation of the 4th Amendment, the right of the people to be secure 'in their persons.'

there is no reason to charge a woman with murder for having an abortion......just charge the abortionist with murder.......and that has nothing to do with is the logical conclusion of biology.....the biology you deny......
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Hence the organ donor program.

Agreed. All human, all alive, just no longer a human being. Kinda the embryonic process in reverse where the body starts dying rather than growing. Still not a "human being".
Hello Dutch Uncle,

And then there was the great oxidation event, possibly caused by stromatolites, a life form which existed on CO2, but emitted oxygen as a byproduct. They once covered the planet. But after the atmosphere became mostly oxygen, the stromatolites mostly died out. It was the first case of when the activities of a life form on Earth actually changed the atmosphere and the climate, which had a negative effect on them.

We currently exist in a time of a similar event. AGW.

Since we're better than stromatolites, let's hope a better life form emerges from a post-AGW world. :D
Trying to get the Republican Party to do something for powerless people is like trying to push an old car up a mountain.

With a ROPE!
RNA is just sequential amino acids - not even a protein. pretty easy to assemble in the primordial soup.the replicatiing enzymes are the trick

Enzymes are biochemical catalysts and are a kind of protein. But the code for the enzymes are found in DNA. Fittingly lol, that puts us back to the chicken or egg dilemma.

Imo, the real problem is the origin of the code because only the code can account for specified complexity. IOW, even if natural processes managed to create complexity, the complexity is useless unless it’s specified for a specific function. A snowflake is complex and it’s beauty is stunning but it ends with that.

Ten pages ago I referenced Sir Francis Crick [elucidated the DNA molecule] because he understood the information problem. As an answer he hypothesized that the planet was seeded with DNA by another intelligent life form. He was mocked for it [ironically, he’s yet to be proven wrong] but he did understand the problem.

My only issue with it is that it kicks the can down the road.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

I dunno. We have some political operatives who do not seem to possess any more brain activity than stromatolites.

100 is the average IQ. Most Qless are lower. Others are just insane.

That’s begging the question.

A complex system can only sustain itself with more inputs of complexity from outside the system. A putative ‘first replicator’ or replicator system could only increase its complexity with inputs from somewhere[?] otherwise the system would degrade over time. Or at best, reach a point of equilibrium but that would represent a static state and a dead end in terms of increasing complexity.

And as pointed out, that ignores the information problem.

There are whole scientific disciplines devoted to the science of complexity and emergence which study how diffuse systems with many parts can produce emergent phenomena having structure and complexity.

Galaxies, galaxy clusters, biological cells, crystallization of ice from random water molecules represent a few of numerous examples. None of them violate any tenets of the second law of thermodynamics.

There may be obscure rightwing Christian blogs out there who holler about violations of the second law of thermodynamics - but physicists and mathematicians working in the discipline of emergence science deal everyday with structure and complex systems that are formed bottom up from random systems made of many parts.

Just because our souped-up chimpanzee brains may not have the cognitive capabilities to grasp everything about emergence and complexity does not necessarily point to a sentient intelligent designer.

I am willing to accept a premise of an intelligent designer on faith alone. But invoking the tenets of thermodynamics to supposedly prove intelligent design does not cut the mustard.
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There are whole scientific disciplines devoted to the science of complexity and emergence which study how diffuse systems with many parts can produce emergent phenomena having structure and complexity.

Galaxies, galaxy clusters, biological cells, crystallization of ice from random water molecules represent a few of numerous examples. None of them violate any tenets of the second law of thermodynamics.

There may be obscure rightwing Christian blogs out there who holler about violations of the second law of thermodynamics - but physicists and mathematicians working in the discipline of emergence science deal everyday with structure and complex systems that are formed bottom up from random systems made of many parts.

I see where you snuck biological cells in with ice crystals and galaxies lol.

I’m not invoking the Second Law [it deals with energy and not information]. My point is that when the problem is framed in terms of information science is utterly mute on the subject.

Let me put it in terms of computer science: why is it software becomes corrupt over time? Unless other *informational* inputs come from outside the system in terms of a fix.

Left on its own, the software will accumulate glitches—none of which, ‘happen to make it function better’ and become useless over time.