Is an egg a chicken?

Atoms are not fundamental. Atoms are manifested by quarks, leptons, bosons - they are fundamental particles. Those fundamental particles are not made up of anything far as we know.

At a deeper level, matter is presumed to just be perturbations in the Higgs field and other energy fields. So maybe everything is just a manifestation of energy fields.

Carbon is not uniquely organic. Atmospheric CO2, graphite, and diamond are purely inorganic forms of carbon. Carbon manifests as organic molecules when it forms chains and polymers with hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen.

That is the best of my recollections from university level science classes. I may be missing a detail or two.

All that goes further than I am willing to travel.

This is about as deep as I care to explore it:

In other news, I've just lost to an ELO 600 chess player by stalemate. Being drunk is no excuse.
I can relate
I'm usually 1500- 1600. But I started losing to kids at a club and online a couple years ago

I have game memory and pattern recognition going -but they have the sharp calculating mind of the young.
It got so bad i retired from competitive chess. One can only lose to freaking kids for so long before yu realize your
mind isn't elastic anymore
What is fundamentally the difference between organic and inorganic molecules?


Strictly speaking, carbon.

Carbon bonds covalently so it lends itself to forming bio molecules and more importantly, proteins. Organic or bio molecules aren’t ‘alive’ in any sense if that’s what you’re getting at.

Organic/bio molecules never, ever, arrange themselves into functional structures apart from a code or operating script. Computer programmers would recognize it as a kind of software. Moreover, joining two different bio molecules together requires an enzyme. Enzymes are a specific kind of protein and the information for their construction is found in—you guessed it, the code.

I can’t begin to tell you how this information system came into existence sans some sort of intelligent agency from outside the system. No one else can either.

But there are some here who would be happy to share their faith on the matter.
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Atoms are not fundamental. Atoms are manifested by quarks, leptons, bosons - they are fundamental particles. Those fundamental particles are not made up of anything far as we know.

At a deeper level, matter is presumed to just be perturbations in the Higgs field and other energy fields. So maybe everything is just a manifestation of energy fields.

Carbon is not uniquely organic. Atmospheric CO2, graphite, and diamond are purely inorganic forms of carbon. Carbon manifests as organic molecules when it forms chains and polymers with hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen.

That is the best of my recollections from university level science classes. I may be missing a detail or two.
And what is deeper than quarks, leptons and bosons?
In conventional particle particle physics nothing is more fundamental that quarks and leptons - they themselves are not made up of even smaller, more fundamental particles.

It is only when one gets into string theory that all mass particles, at a fundamental level, are replaced by vibrating strings of energy which propagate through space-time. That is only a hypothesis though.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Obviously we're not sharing the same point of view that the more divided the nation become, the more likely there'll be violence.

Timothy McVeigh proved it only takes a couple of guys. What if there were 20 McVeighs or 200?

Logically (and sadly) there will be, until we become more effective in thwarting such actions.

I am wondering how long it will be before we become forced to drastically raise the standards for when our flag will be at half mast, seeing as how we are rapidly approaching an age when it spends more time at half mast than full.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Correct. I said "rare", not nonexistent.

What happens if we don't find any life other than our own in the Solar System? Not ancient life on Mars or current life on Io or Europa?

What if there is life but the DNA is "earthlike"?

So far, nothing.

Then we keep looking. It's not like we are anywhere close to being able to even look everywhere it might exist.

And while we are at it, we set up life in different worlds where we are able.
Hello Darth,

But that goes back to the question of abiogenesis.

If life can spontaneously form from non-life then the sheer size of the universe makes other life a mathematical certainty. If it can’t, then life will only exist on planets where it ‘was intended’ to exist.

Non of the ancient religions even considered that there was anything beyond the known world. Correct me if I'm wrong but my understanding of religion indicates that stars were simply 'up there' and nothing more than unexplained points of light in the sky. And somewhere 'up there' is also the magic place where souls go after the body is exhausted. Apparently heaven has limitless capacity because souls keep getting created, but they are never destroyed.

The 'go forth and multiply' thing is an open-ended equation. There is no indication of when enough multiplication has been achieved. Thus, our planet is now over populated, and resource depletion is ongoing.
abortion of an unborn human is murder, cracking an unfertilized or fertilized egg is not. also the OP is a foolish attempt at analogy since eggs and chickens are food. Created by God for us to eat.
Hello Darth,

Non of the ancient religions even considered that there was anything beyond the known world. Correct me if I'm wrong but my understanding of religion indicates that stars were simply 'up there' and nothing more than unexplained points of light in the sky. And somewhere 'up there' is also the magic place where souls go after the body is exhausted. Apparently heaven has limitless capacity because souls keep getting created, but they are never destroyed.

The 'go forth and multiply' thing is an open-ended equation. There is no indication of when enough multiplication has been achieved. Thus, our planet is now over populated, and resource depletion is ongoing.

infinity is boundless in terms of time and size. We are not depleting the earth. Like most living things, it has restorative capabilities. millions of years after the last human has the last campfire, the earth will be just fine. we are a pimple on a gnat on the ass of an elephant in terms of the life of planet earth.

For clarity, I did not say that the earth is a living thing. "LIKE all living things......"
Hello Darth,

Who needs to discover them lol.

They have to exist because of the insane numbers of solar systems in the universe. Still leaves the question of abiogenesis though.

You have a problem with unanswered questions?

Why should there be any assumption that we are deserved all the answers during our brief lives before each of us perish?

We can clearly see that those whom have existed and perished before us never got all the answers.
Hello Darth,

You have a problem with unanswered questions?

Why should there be any assumption that we are deserved all the answers during our brief lives before each of us perish?

We can clearly see that those whom have existed and perished before us never got all the answers.

actually they may have, we will all know some day.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

Creationism/intelligent design? A cosmic puppet master?

And no pondering as to why.

Why would such an entity do such a thing?

For what purpose?


'Oh, it's so boring here with all this power and all this nothingness. I think I'll create a universe with some special beings in one tiny speck of it and then sit back and watch what happens.'
Hello AProudLefty,

Yeah abiogenesis can be a tricky and difficult one.

We know that molecules assemble themselves or with others due to laws of physics. That's a given.

Ever seen the carbon lattice? It's quite fascinating.

But we still do not understand all the laws of physics. Some things elude explanation.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

And no pondering as to why.

Why would such an entity do such a thing?

For what purpose?


'Oh, it's so boring here with all this power and all this nothingness. I think I'll create a universe with some special beings in one tiny speck of it and then sit back and watch what happens.'

why do you assume she hasn't populated the universe with thousands of different "special beings" on thousands of tiny specks.........if in fact we are created in his image perhaps we would have similar traits......oh wait.......scientists, artists, entrepreneurs.......