How Trump Fleeced His Own Dumbass Supporters


.....Trump's zombies have woke....

President Donald Trump has been forced to pay back $122 million to donors who were tricked into making recurring payments to his 2020 reelection campaign.

A New York Times investigation found Trump's fundraising campaign employed deceptive fundraising tactics that saw thousands of his supporters unwittingly sign up to give repeat contributions, when they had only intended to make a one-off payment.

The 'scam', which involves pre-ticked boxes on fundraising emails often buried under lines of fine print, sparked thousands of complaints to banks and credit card companies.

Among the victims were elderly and military veterans, as well as some experienced political operatives, and many have been left with overdraft fees and busted credit card limits.

Complaints from donors prompted the Trump campaign to eventually reimburse $122 million in contributions.

it's a miracle!
will those ig'nint teahicks figure some other shit out too?
This sure must hurt Trump, where it hurts him the most.

Breaking|Apr 3, 2021,05:14pm EDT
Trump Campaign Reportedly Forced To Refund More Than $122 Million To Donors

Former President Donald Trump's reelection campaign issued a staggering sum of $122.7 million in refunds to supporters in 2020, giving back nearly 11% of the money it raised, according to an investigative report published by the New York Times on Saturday based on an analysis of Federal Election Commission filings.
Trump has ASP. His antisocial personality disorder is textbook. That is why he drove some of us away. We could sense he had mental problems and lacked principles. He gives us the creeps. Now they need a term for people who seek out and follow people like that, other than Republicans that is.

from a link off your link:

So what's the actual difference between the two terms (sociopath and psychopath)? Neither is an official diagnosis on its own, but sociopathy falls under the mental health diagnosis antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), says Donald W. Black, MD, professor of psychiatry at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine. People who have ASPD tend to be persistent liars, have no regard for what's right and wrong, and an arrogant personality, among other traits.

Psychopaths have these characteristics as well, and they're also superficial, egocentric, and emotionally shallow. But perhaps the most concerning difference between the two is that when someone is a psychopath, you’ll probably have no idea...which makes them all the more dangerous.

we all know Trump is a sociopath, a feather in the cap for your average teabilly....but Trump also fits the psychopath definition to a tee
Ex-Bodyguard Says Donald Trump Hasn’t Paid Him Back for a $130 McDonald’s Tab

What a cheap bastard, not to payback a bodyguard back $130?!! I don't believe Trump is a billionaire either?!! Seems to be in Trump's blood to ripoff people?!!

Donald Trump apparently had a former bodyguard foot the bill at the ex-president’s favorite fast-food chain, McDonald’s.
Kevin McKay told Daily Mail that when he worked as Trump’s bodyguard for five years, he picked up a $130 tab at McDonald’s one time in 2008. Trump was visiting one of his golf courses in Scotland, and his crew stopped at the fast-food eatery before flying back to the U.S. McKay said Trump didn’t have any of the local currency on him, “so he asked me if I could front him the cash,” according to McKay. He said he handed over the money, ordering a total of 20 cheeseburgers and fries, and around 10 to 15 sodas.

