Micawber, 3rd ban for 12b...

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It was a con here who made the one rule to be seen as needed

Some scumlapping con kept saying Maine man and his son were having sex

It was one huge fight

I still think the rule is unneeded

Why THAT one rule?

To protect MENS little feelings

Hell I came back to this site once after being elsewhere to see a thread at the top of the list with a tittle about my clit

I can’t remember the exact title

But included my sight name and something about my clit

Men just can’t take the same level of sexual attack I guess

Having the JPP Membership discussing your clitoris ... is, well, to be expected.

Obviously, this is Fake News you've garnered from 'Trump & Friends' at some QAnon site.

Anonymoose. Do NOT try to blow smoke up my ass!

moose/alloysious is a maroon and a stalker. Fortunately he is too stupid to accurately recall his compiled e-dossier
of his obsession. I called him a loser some time ago (he is and well..many times) and he has been on a internet manhunt ever since.
He has posted things which indicate to me he is trying to ID me and dox me. Invitation to meet up?
That would require 1. he isn't fucking on ignore 99% of the time and I ever read that and (b) I would want to meet some Alaskan Trumptard right wing dork
who is obsessed with me.

Stalker passive aggressive depressed humanoid.
moose/alloysious is a maroon and a stalker. Fortunately he is too stupid to accurately recall his compiled e-dossier
of his obsession. I called him a loser some time ago (he is and well..many times) and he has been on a internet manhunt ever since.
He has posted things which indicate to me he is trying to ID me and dox me. Invitation to meet up?
That would require 1. he isn't fucking on ignore 99% of the time and I ever read that and (b) I would want to meet some Alaskan Trumptard right wing dork
who is obsessed with me.

Stalker passive aggressive depressed humanoid.

'Alaskan'. (?)

My sources have confirmed 'Anonymoose' is from the Iberville Housing Complex (before it became all Black).
Then, somehow (maybe Affirmative Action) got enrolled in the LSU Dental School off Paris Ave.
After 'graduating', moved to some remote outpost somewhere that would actually accept his 'Dentist Certificate'.

Hmmmm ... on reflection, I could see him 'Practicing' (and I mean that in the literal sense) north of the Arctic Circle.
I’ve lost count of how many times he ended up with pie in his face from his posts.
I’ll give a couple of examples.
He was all giddy about the city of San Francisco suing oil companies for causing GW and posted the article. Then I posted an article published after the one he cited saying the suit was dismissed.
I posted a mathematical equation from a scientific journal which refuted his argument and he claimed the equation was not valid because it wasn’t written on a blackboard with chalk.
He was the original person who claimed I was a rayciss for advocating a healthy diet because everyone (in his mind) knows negroes have a staple diet of fried chicken, chitlins and Skittles.
He claimed he took comparative anatomy, physical chemistry, embryology, differential equations and other advanced science and math courses as electives in his other myriad of degrees to increase his GPA to get into - get this- law school.:laugh:

Once he gets pie in his face, he has a meltdown.

It goes on and on.
He’s a real putz.

He's a real weirdo, without a shadow of a doubt.
'Alaskan'. (?)

My sources have confirmed 'Anonymoose' is from the Iberville Housing Complex (before it became all Black).
Then, somehow (maybe Affirmative Action) got enrolled in the LSU Dental School off Paris Ave.
You missed the exit. It’s off Florida Ave. You must’ve gone to one of those clinics that does gold grills.
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