Classical Liberal
(shaking head) You're saying that because Micawber was a Freedom Fighter. One of the Sons of Liberty that crushed Trump and the Forces of Fascism.
I’ve lost count of how many times he ended up with pie in his face from his posts.
I’ll give a couple of examples.
He was all giddy about the city of San Francisco suing oil companies for causing GW and posted the article. Then I posted an article published after the one he cited saying the suit was dismissed.
I posted a mathematical equation from a scientific journal which refuted his argument and he claimed the equation was not valid because it wasn’t written on a blackboard with chalk.
He was the original person who claimed I was a rayciss for advocating a healthy diet because everyone (in his mind) knows negroes have a staple diet of fried chicken, chitlins and Skittles.
He claimed he took comparative anatomy, physical chemistry, embryology, differential equations and other advanced science and math courses as electives in his other myriad of degrees to increase his GPA to get into - get this- law school.

Once he gets pie in his face, he has a meltdown.
It goes on and on.
He’s a real putz.