Uwaa OmO
He is ultra right wing idiot
No, I don't care. Politics has no meaning in my life now. I don't vote and never will again.
He is ultra right wing idiot
I'm much funnier than Desh.
And you like to watch your partner fuck other men, before offering to clean up at the end.
He is ultra right wing idiot
I'm much funnier than Desh.
Ummm...the only bar lower than saying "much funnier than Desh" is "much funnier than RB 60".
This meme is funnier than both of them put together:
unnatural is characteristic of all four members of the Trinity....
Can't seem to ever keep that damn snake out of the garden.
leave the snakes alone -they eat varmints
How fast can we get a ship load to DC?
Carrying coals to Newcastle, Cap'n.
The place has been a snake pit since Andy Jackson invented the spoils system.
He's posting the fact I can call both of you all kinds of names as long as it doesn't break the "ONE THING you cant do", the "Retard Rule" AKA 12B.
Micawber, and anyone else who violates 12B, is an example of emotion over logic.
No it isn't. I intentionally broke the rule, which is fairly obvious when I list every stupid motherfucking screenname belonging to every right wing ignorant racist jackass
on my ignore list and call them all, literally more than 100 douchenozzles, pedophiles. Last time I did it, I quoted the fucking rule.
You are overlooking the obvious. This place is below my paygrade and I don't give a flying fuck if JPP aka stormfront lite bans me.
Why the fuck do I care what idiots think or do? Ans. I don't.
Hey, everyone here is a pedophile except me. Let's see the moron wrath! Oh my goodness, I'm wounded not being able to post at a shitstain
loser site of racist neoconfederates and Trumfucks.
The election is over WE WON Trump lost. I've shoved their noses in shit quite enough.
God bless the REAL America. See you people in three and a half years, if you are lucky.
No it isn't. I intentionally broke the rule, which is fairly obvious when I list every stupid motherfucking screenname belonging to every right wing ignorant racist jackass
on my ignore list and call them all, literally more than 100 douchenozzles, pedophiles. Last time I did it, I quoted the fucking rule.
You are overlooking the obvious. This place is below my paygrade and I don't give a flying fuck if JPP aka stormfront lite bans me.
Why the fuck do I care what idiots think or do? Ans. I don't.
Hey, everyone here is a pedophile except me. Let's see the moron wrath! Oh my goodness, I'm wounded not being able to post at a shitstain
loser site of racist neoconfederates and Trumfucks.
The election is over WE WON Trump lost. I've shoved their noses in shit quite enough.
God bless the REAL America. See you people in three and a half years, if you are lucky.
No it isn't. I intentionally broke the rule, which is fairly obvious when I list every stupid motherfucking screenname belonging to every right wing ignorant racist jackass
on my ignore list and call them all, literally more than 100 douchenozzles, pedophiles. Last time I did it, I quoted the fucking rule.
You are overlooking the obvious. This place is below my paygrade and I don't give a flying fuck if JPP aka stormfront lite bans me.
Why the fuck do I care what idiots think or do? Ans. I don't.
Hey, everyone here is a pedophile except me. Let's see the moron wrath! Oh my goodness, I'm wounded not being able to post at a shitstain
loser site of racist neoconfederates and Trumfucks.
The election is over WE WON Trump lost. I've shoved their noses in shit quite enough.
God bless the REAL America. See you people in three and a half years, if you are lucky.