Sexy AOC Makes A Statement

Yes. Yes. Yes. Fuck the guy living under a Bridge, it's all about 'Equal Richness'.

Yep. Fuck them. The super rich got enough problems as is.

yay for the piece of shit ACA, worst legislation in my lifetime. I got a great tax break and I am not rich so your big sign is bogus and a flat out lie, taxes will be much higher for me under Democrats especially if the 3.5 Trillion bullshit bill passes

People on welfare like Guno never care about tax increases. Their checks are always there.
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People on welfare like Guno never care about tax increases. Their checks are always there.

Exactly. He has lived off the system his entire life and knows no other way. Other better men have had to take on the expense of feeding, housing , and clothing him his entire life. Basically a WARD OF THE STATE which normally is for little kids that had both parents die somehow not full grown able bodied men. SMH :palm:
AOC is FOS and has become part of establishment. So over her.

I must say,.... I agree with you on very little,...but I respect you. You have a belief system that you actually honestly believe in and you are not afraid to hold to your beliefs. You do not compromise yourself or your character. You are NOT a liar like most. Very commendable. I like that about you. A lot. We need a whole lot more Cinnabars and a whole lot less of the Liars.
I disagree. But then again money does corrupt. You might be right. Time will tell.

She took donations she received from small grassroots donors and gave it to establishment corporate owned Dems. She tweets and does photo-ops but has stopped actually fighting for the policies she ran on.
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Chump changes to the super rich. :thumbsup:

AOC isn’t looking to tax the people that attend the Met Gala. AOC and POSs like her are looking to bleed the small business owners and upper middle class. Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos etc will have ways to evade paying the top marginal rate in taxes.

The people that make their money primarily through income are the ones who are going to get soaked.[/img][/img]​

AOC? Sexy? More evidence of what a dumb, clueless moron you are. If AOC had a brain, she would be embarrassed wearing something that makes her look like a dishonest dumbass.

But much like you, she's too stupid to know she should be. Tax the rich has to be one of the dumbest narratives the morons in the Party of the Jackass can meme. That and "pay their fair share."

I guess it doesn't occur to morons on the left that the rich pay the lions share of taxes in this country. Most Americans in the lower 50th percentile pay little or nothing at all.

Lastly, why should we give this deficit gobbling Government MORE to spend. How about they spend what they have and reduce spending. We don't have a revenue problem in this country, we have a SPENDING problem.

But alas, the Party of the Jackass cannot survive without creating family killing Government dependency and promoting failure.