Fall of the Republican Party

The Republican Party

  • Total voters
I am never angry when here, that must be you

Results count. When you pound out not one but two replies in all caps, you look a widdle upset, sugarplum.

Same with the losers who always color or oversize their posts.

But the problem is that Conservatism at its core is ungovernable, bigoted and racist...so they can never run a sensible candidate because in order to be Conservative, you must believe in nonsense like the 2020 election being stolen, COVID being no worse than the flu, and tax cuts pay for themselves.

Wow, how bigoted and racist of you to prejudge people.

Did/do you have "daddy issues"? Conservatives, at its core, is nothing more than the average middle-aged parent which is why I ask. Rebellious Teenager Syndrome was proved to exist among 40something Trump fans on 1/6.

What we are seeing in the Republican Party these days is madness, not conservatism.
a zygote attaches to the wall of the uterus within a day or two, at that point conception is complete and the child begins to develop....its obvious you realize you've lost or you wouldn't have started attacking my religious beliefs.......you are very predictable.......

According to Jewish law and the Talmud, that predates your Christianity by several thousand years, a fetus doesn't have a soul until it is born...so it's not a person, it's a collection of cells.

So are you going to tell Jews that they're wrong?
According to Jewish law and the Talmud, that predates your Christianity by several thousand years, a fetus doesn't have a soul until it is born...so it's not a person, it's a collection of cells.

So are you going to tell Jews that they're wrong?

modern medicine does that.......
Results count. When you pound out not one but two replies in all caps, you look a widdle upset, sugarplum.

Same with the losers who always color or oversize their posts.

that is your bullshit, all caps usually means I hit the caps instead of the shift button :laugh: I did not realize you were so sensitive:laugh: and always the pictures with you:laugh:
Wow, how bigoted and racist of you to prejudge people.


"Conservatism stands athwart history, yelling STOP!" - wrote William F. Buckley in 1955, Godfather of Conservatism, less than six months after Brown v. Board of Education.

So...yelling STOP to...desegregation. Now, why would a non-racist oppose desegregation and call for it to STOP if they weren't racist or bigoted?

I'm more than happy to see examples of Conservative legislation or "thought" leaders speaking differently from what Lee Atwater (one of Buckley's proteges) said in 1981:

You start out in 1954 by saying, “N*****, n*****, n*****.” By 1968 you can’t say “n*****”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “N*****, n*****”
COVID is the big unknown here because if there's a fifth and sixth wave of COVID this winter, it could wipe out as many as 300,000 more people before the November 2022 elections.

And I think we can all safely say that almost every single one of those inevitable 300,000 deaths will be unvaccinated morons who listened to propagandists like Anatta; that is certainly going to make a difference in at least 1 election next year, and probably dozens, if not hundreds of others.

In all, by November 2022, COVID will have probably claimed about 1,000,000 lives in the US, and probably close to 3/4 of them are hardcore, right-wing, "very fine people" that the GOP needs to survive.

That's why I said before that Conservatives will start pretending the vaccination effort was a secret push to discourage Conservatives from getting vaccinated.

The good news is that the majority of them are antivaxx Trump voters so no loss. Additionally, they will probably refuse all vaccinations and thus weaken their voting ranks even more with sick, stupid people.
Did/do you have "daddy issues"

No. I have a terrific relationship with my father, and always have because he listens to people and isn't an asshole.

onservatives, at its core, is nothing more than the average middle-aged parent which is why I ask

No, Conservatism isn't "the average middle-aged parent"...

"Conservatism stands athwart history, yelling stop!"
-William F. Buckley, 1955

Conservatism is rooted in racist bigotry and we know that because Buckley chose to articulate that very thing when he screamed to stop desegregation in 1955.
The Repub party uses the Trumpies , controlling them with absolute lies. It is a huge voting bloc of misinformed voters who believe Trumpian lies with a fervor. The powers in the party like Moscow Mitch know they have 30 percent of the vote locked and have to battle for about 15 percent. Then cheat the rest of the way.

"Conservatism stands athwart history, yelling STOP!" - wrote William F. Buckley in 1955, Godfather of Conservatism, less than six months after Brown v. Board of Education.

So...yelling STOP to...desegregation. Now, why would a non-racist oppose desegregation and call for it to STOP if they weren't racist or bigoted?

I'm more than happy to see examples of Conservative legislation or "thought" leaders speaking differently from what Lee Atwater (one of Buckley's proteges) said in 1981:

You start out in 1954 by saying, “N*****, n*****, n*****.” By 1968 you can’t say “n*****”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “N*****, n*****”

First, that wasn't Buckley, that was Lee Atwater. Atwater died at age 40 of a brain tumor. Allahu Akbar! The will of Allah prevails.

Atwater died on March 29, 1991, from a brain tumor. Funeral services were held at the Trinity Cathedral Church in Atwater's final residence, Columbia, South Carolina. A memorial service was held at the Washington National Cathedral on April 4, 1991.

Second, you're a bigot and a racist by claiming all Republicans are bigots and racists.
that is your bullshit, all caps usually means I hit the caps instead of the shift button :laugh: I did not realize you were so sensitive:laugh: and always the pictures with you:laugh:

Twice in a row, asshole, and you didn't notice? Now I know you're both an immature emotional hot mess and also a liar.
Second, you're a bigot and a racist by claiming all Republicans are bigots and racists.

First of all, you're completely fucking wrong about who that "athwart" quote is attributed to.

Here's the Mission Statement from November 1955, where it first appeared: https://www.nationalreview.com/1955/11/our-mission-statement-william-f-buckley-jr/

So are you now going to argue that the National Review, which has been one of the Conservative standard bearers since its inception, producing several elected officials, supreme court justices, "think tanks", and Conservative media figures the last 66 years, isn't Conservatism?

Conservatism, whether you like it or not, is rooted in racist bigotry...and that quote from Buckley in its timeliness, proves it.

If not, then at what point did Conservatism change from yelling STOP to progress and history?
Second, you're a bigot and a racist by claiming all Republicans are bigots and racists.

Well, what makes someone a Republican is their adherence to Conservative values.

And we know that Conservative values are centered around thwarting the progress of history.

So...how is it NOT rooted in bigotry and racism when its founding core principle was a reaction to the end of segregation?
But the problem is that Conservatism at its core is ungovernable...so they can never run a sensible candidate because in order to be Conservative, you must believe in nonsense like the 2020 election being stolen, COVID being no worse than the flu, and tax cuts paying for themselves.

Ronny rayguns cheated in elections

The last decent Republican was Ike

The party needs to just die

America Matters more than a label that has been used for evil for 60 years

The label Republican is trash now

There is no sane reason to save that label
Wow, how bigoted and racist of you to prejudge people.

Did/do you have "daddy issues"? Conservatives, at its core, is nothing more than the average middle-aged parent which is why I ask. Rebellious Teenager Syndrome was proved to exist among 40something Trump fans on 1/6.

What we are seeing in the Republican Party these days is madness, not conservatism.

Let’s remember how Ronny rayguns ran on racism and cheated in elections

Conservative ideas have failed every time we were forced into accepting them

If they were such good ideas why did the Republican Party feel the need to cheat people out of voting to get power

You were duped Dutch

Conservative ideals fail in practice
Ronny rayguns cheated in elections
The last decent Republican was Ike
The party needs to just die
Ameica Matters more than a label that has been used for evil for 60 years
The label Republican is trash now
There is no sane reason to save that label

Ike was about as far away from Conservative as one could get...in fact, he was antifa; no American was responsible for killing more Nazis than Ike.

He also had a 91% top tax rate and sent federal troops to desegregate Southern schools.
Conservative ideals fail in practice

This is true...there is not one single policy success that Conservatives can point to with any pride.

That's because Conservatism "stands athwart history, yelling STOP!"

It's purely reactionary.