Fall of the Republican Party

The Republican Party

  • Total voters
Letting Hillary buy the nomination over Bernie.

The Clinton gun ban.

Nanny State laws.

That’s crap

She won with votes

All that was needed was for Obama to endorse Clinton and Bernie would not have gone anywhere

The Russians helped Bernie



I can’t stand Bernie

He lied about being cheated by my party

He promised not to go dirty so we let him pretend to be a Democrat

He lied and went dirty and trashed my party

He’s a self interested asshole

The people wanted that gun ban


Nanny state is an idiot meme

Face it Dutch

You got had for decades by the cheating, lying Republican Party
You bought the lie of Ronny rayguns the actor

He cheated in our elections to win

Cold hard court documented fact

From the very top of the party the republicans cheated

IF Ronny didnt know than he was an idiot

He knew
Ike was about as far away from Conservative as one could get...in fact, he was antifa; no American was responsible for killing more Nazis than Ike.

He also had a 91% top tax rate and sent federal troops to desegregate Southern schools.

Yeah but he was the last decent republican
The poll did not have my view. The Republican Party is not fine based on current candidates running for office thinking they have to believe in voter fraud to get the Republican nomination.

However, they will win seats in 2022 based on the established historical pattern that the president's party almost always loses seats in mid-term elections. Since they have a 3 seat margin in the House and tied in the Senate, they only have to win a very few seats to gain control of Congress. The average number of seats lost is 27.

Also, it is impossible make any long-term predictions based on current events because the parties have been very resilient in American history. Current trends cannot be projected into the future.
Despite the denials of the delusional, clearly the Republican Party, at best, is having severe problems.
At worst, We, the People are seeing the fall of the Republican Party.
You don't get to speak for everyone. You only get to speak for you. Omniscience fallacy.
In Woodward's book, Bill Barr recognized the problems
False authority fallacy.
and attempted to persuade Trump to temper the excesses and rhetoric to avoid driving away moderate Republicans and Independents. Trump refused and lost the election while the Republican Party moved further into Conspiracy Theory territory.
The Democrat party is a conspiracy. Trump did not lose the election. There was no election. The election faulted due to election fraud by Democrats.
Saying "78% of Republicans believe Biden didn't win the election" isn't as significant as it appears when people realize that Republicans only constitute 28% of the voters with less than 22% of voters believing in RWNJ conspiracy theories to "Stop the Steal".
The Democrat party is a conspiracy.
As JPP's Trumpers continue to push lies and conspiracy theories,
The Democrat party is a conspiracy.
sane people are re-evaluating their political affiliation.
You don't get to determine who is 'sane' or not. You don't get to speak for everyone. You only get to speak for you. Omniscience fallacy.
Despite Trump handing the Democrats the White House, the Senate and the House in 2020, the Republican Party continues to push anything Trump wants.
Trump didn't hand the White House to the Democrats. The Democrats took it in a coup.
These excesses
What excesses?
are hamstringing the Republican Party at best and dooming it at worst.
You are hallucinating again.
This, IMO, is bad for America since our nation is best when there is a sane conservative view in Congress.
You don't get to determine who is 'sane'. You don't get to speak for everyone. You only get to speak for you. Omniscience fallacy.
That sane conservative view is rare both in Congress and on JPP.
You don't get to determine who is 'sane'. You don't get to speak for everyone. You only get to speak for you. Omniscience fallacy.
This is not good for America, folks.
The Democrats have discarded the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions. They are currently converting what's left of the federal government into an oligarchy. That is not good for America.
Trumpers drinking the Kool-Aid are pushing sane conservatives away under the delusion that those sane conservatives will never, ever vote Democrat.
You don't get to speak for anyone but you. Omniscience fallacy.
While that part is probably true, what the Trumpers are not seeing is those same sane conservatives simply refusing to vote at all. Elections are about voter turnout and the current Republican Party is pushing conservatives to stay home in November 2022.
They are not. They are pushing to restore confidence in the election system. The Democrats have done a lot of damage with their election fraud, and they continue to commit election fraud.
Bill Barr was right about this
According to Bob Woodward and Robert Costa in their tell-all book "Peril," Barr told Trump: "There are a lot of people out there, independents and Republicans in the suburbs of the critical states, that think you're an asshole" and "don't care about your fucking grievances." Barr went on and told the President that if he didn't soften his tone and turn his attention to concerns about Covid-19 and the economy, which these critical "swing" voters cared about most, he was going to lose the election.

I don't give a damn what you think he said.
Trump, however, refused to pivot -- just like arch-conservative California recall candidate Larry Elder, who was similarly chastised by establishment Republicans who felt a moderate more in the mold of their party's last governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, or Massachusetts' Charlie Baker and Vermont's Phil Scott, would have the necessary crossover appeal to have a shot in a Democratic state. And whether it was out of stubbornness or insensitivity or some other game plan, they paid a steep price for their insouciance.
He wasn't. You are making shit up again. RINOs are not 'establishment republicans'.
Trump and Elder reaffirmed -- for both parties -- that turning competitive suburbs from "purple" to "blue" is very bad for Republicans' business. As demographic shifts add to the Democratic advantage in these once-reliably Republican counties, such as Fairfax in Virginia and Montgomery and Delaware in Pennsylvania, alienating "swing" suburban voters could continue to cost them in national, state and local elections.
Speculation, based on hallucinations. Republicans are not Democrats.
These voters, especially in competitive states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan and North Carolina, remain the gatekeepers any presidential candidate must pass if they expect the keys to the White House. They also determine who bangs the gavel in the US House. Most of the 40 or so competitive districts are fought in the "Crabgrass Frontier" between city and country.
PA and MI did not choose their electors in the last attempt at an election. There was no election in 2020.
Let’s remember how Ronny rayguns ran on racism and cheated in elections

Conservative ideas have failed every time we were forced into accepting them

If they were such good ideas why did the Republican Party feel the need to cheat people out of voting to get power

You were duped Dutch

Conservative ideals fail in practice


“That should keep the black vote down”

A Republican internal memo from October of 1986

The courts said they cheated on democracy to thwart the people will

Reagan did not believe in democracy

He was a fucking racist asshole

You got had dutch
The Repub party uses the Trumpies , controlling them with absolute lies. It is a huge voting bloc of misinformed voters who believe Trumpian lies with a fervor. The powers in the party like Moscow Mitch know they have 30 percent of the vote locked and have to battle for about 15 percent. Then cheat the rest of the way.

You are describing Democrats.
No. I have a terrific relationship with my father, and always have because he listens to people and isn't an asshole.

No, Conservatism isn't "the average middle-aged parent"...

"Conservatism stands athwart history, yelling stop!"
-William F. Buckley, 1955

Conservatism is rooted in racist bigotry and we know that because Buckley chose to articulate that very thing when he screamed to stop desegregation in 1955.
Good about your father, but your LW extremism was caused by something to do with authority. What are your earliest memories of RW assholes?

As for Buckley, do you know the full quote in context? Because the way you are using it seems deceptive because it twists the meaning.

Here is a fuller quote:

A conservative is someone who stands athwart history, yelling Stop, at a time when no one is inclined to do so, or to have much patience with those who so urge it.

Changes the whole meaning doesn't it? Your way makes it sound like "Stop everything, fuck you!" rather than "Stop! Let's look at this for a minute before rushing into something that hurts us."

Also note that Buckley said that in 1955. I'm 65 and that was before I was even born. A few things have happened since then.
Well, what makes someone a Republican is their adherence to Conservative values.

And we know that Conservative values are centered around thwarting the progress of history.

So...how is it NOT rooted in bigotry and racism when its founding core principle was a reaction to the end of segregation?

Sorry dude. Republicans do not have the ability to stop time. It is Democrats that are bigots and racists. They formed the KKK. They fund and support the KKK, Antifa, and BLM. It is Democrat values centered around bigotry and racism.
Good about your father, but your LW extremism was caused by something to do with authority. What are your earliest memories of RW assholes?

As for Buckley, do you know the full quote, in context? Because the way you are using it seems dishonest because it twists the meaning.

Here is a fuller quote:

A conservative is someone who stands athwart history, yelling Stop, at a time when no one is inclined to do so, or to have much patience with those who so urge it.

Changes the whole meaning doesn't it? Your way makes it sound like "Stop everything, fuck you!" rather than "Stop! Let's look at this for a minute before rushing into something that hurts us."

Also note that Buckley said that in 1955. I'm 65 and that was before I was even born. A few things have happened since then.


And Reagan cheated black people out of their rights to vote so he could steal power


will you accept proven facts?
A conservative is someone who stands athwart history, yelling Stop, at a time when no one is inclined to do so, or to have much patience with those who so urge it


That's even WORSE given the context of when he wrote that, Dutch.

So you're saying that he's saying that no one was inclined to yell "STOP" to desegregation, so he will.

How do you think that added context helps argue that he's not a racist?
Good about your father, but your LW extremism was caused by something to do with authority. What are your earliest memories of RW assholes?

As for Buckley, do you know the full quote in context? Because the way you are using it seems deceptive because it twists the meaning.

Here is a fuller quote:

A conservative is someone who stands athwart history, yelling Stop, at a time when no one is inclined to do so, or to have much patience with those who so urge it.

Changes the whole meaning doesn't it? Your way makes it sound like "Stop everything, fuck you!" rather than "Stop! Let's look at this for a minute before rushing into something that hurts us."

Also note that Buckley said that in 1955. I'm 65 and that was before I was even born. A few things have happened since then.

You are diagnosing people who adhere to facts

Be honest and accept Ronny duped you