Thanks. My wife has been a big influence.Your a nice guy dutch
You got had
Do you have the integrity to admit it and get right with the facts?
Now play the LBJ racist tape.
Are you claiming the Republicans hold a monopoly on racism in American, evince?
Sure, the Republicans are worst, but don't use that as an excuse to be blind to racism, misogyny and bigotry in the Democratic Party.
Now play the LBJ racist tape. LOL
Yes, even the first Republican President was a fucking racist. Same goes for LBJ. OTOH, Harry S Truman seemed a lot more enlightened than the Democrats before him and after.**
Are you claiming the Republicans hold a monopoly on racism in American, evince? I'd agree with a majority of the racism, maybe even 75%, being on the Republican side but I'd have to see the numbers first.
Racism, bigotry, discrimination for genetic reasons and hatred are bad. Wrong. Neither party is virtuous when it comes to any of them. Sure, the Republicans are worst, but don't use that as an excuse to be blind to racism, misogyny and bigotry in the Democratic Party.
**I was a military brat going to desegregated DOD schools throughout the 60s. The riots and protests on television didn't make sense to me since there were kids and parents of different races on my block and in my school. We played together just like any other kids. It was normal for us. What I saw on television wasn't normal.
Lee Atwater was only 4 years old in 1955.
In the mission statement for the National Review, which was printed in 1955, Buckley wrote that "Conservatism stands athwart history, yelling stop!"...and had you done that research, you would have known that.
"Conservatism stands athwart history, yelling STOP!" - wrote William F. Buckley in 1955, Godfather of Conservatism, less than six months after Brown v. Board of Education.
So...yelling STOP to...desegregation. Now, why would a non-racist oppose desegregation and call for it to STOP if they weren't racist or bigoted?
I'm more than happy to see examples of Conservative legislation or "thought" leaders speaking differently from what Lee Atwater (one of Buckley's proteges) said in 1981:
You start out in 1954 by saying, “N*****, n*****, n*****.” By 1968 you can’t say “n*****”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “N*****, n*****”
Russians are smarter and saner. Jus' sayin'.![]()
Thanks. My wife has been a big influence.
Why do you think I've been had, evince?
I love facts and strive to maintain my integrity and honor. Part of the Bushido Code, doncha know.
The second racist quote, LV, the one I'd bolded not the one you bolded
Why did the Republican Party react to the Kerner commission report on racism the way they did Dutch?
Despite the denials of the delusional, clearly the Republican Party, at best, is having severe problems. At worst, We, the People are seeing the fall of the Republican Party.
In Woodward's book,
When I watched those black people marching
I was watching republicans marching
Then a couple of years later
The ones who were still alive were all Democrats
When I registered for the first time
I registered as a Democratic Party member
As long as they keep putting up whackadoodles and mini trumps , Americas middle will shun them
Well done.
I'll put this here as it provides some added context from a former editor of Fox news interviewed on CNN.
I don't think Trump took Barr's advice because 1. he cannot control the Frankenstein he made and 2. His goal was not governance, it
was establishing his empire to exploit power of the government to fix his secret money problems.
Mama's don't let your babies grow up to be Republicans!
Don't ever let your children grow up to be racist, lying, self-centered, cynical, cheats!
His racism continues today. Just the faces are different. Different skin-tones and genders too. Progress. LOLI never much liked LBJ
I don’t think he did the good the good things he did out of morality
He did it because the party was going that way
The death of the Republican Party is GREAT for America
The Republican Party benefits from its principle paradigm.
A handful of well educated but morally deficient oligarchs know all the right buttons to press
in order to get many, many uneducated and unsophisticated sycophants to do the former's bidding in direct conflict with the latter's best interests.
As long as the most stupid Americans continue to breed, the GOP will be just fine.
That's why I wish that the states in which they politically prevail were part of a different nation from mine.
I don't know what will happen, but it is clear to me the Republicans have been flirting with disaster.