Fall of the Republican Party

The Republican Party

  • Total voters
ALWAYS write a name in. ALWAYS vote. Someone real even if yourself. A good reason is to throw off the size of his win.

Example; Class president running unopposed with a student body of 100. 30 students are slackers and dopers who don't vote. Throw in 10 clueless idiots who don't vote either. That leaves 60 students to pick the Student President. 20 of them think he's a blowhard and a racist asshole while 40 favor him or will vote for him simply because his is the only name on the ballot.

If only the 40 vote, then he wins by 100% of the votes.

If the 20 vote and each write in their own names, then he only wins by 66.6% against 33.3% opposed. 40 votes to 20 votes opposed. He can't use the "100% are for me" bullshit. It weakens his agenda for students to send a message "a third of us are against you fucking assholes". It also incentivises the student body to push for something better.

Seeing Mr. Nice Guy win by 100% turns people away from opposing him. "We can never beat him" they say.

Seeing him scrape by with only 66.6% proves he's weak and vulnerable even though there is no viable candidate opposing him. The more people who vote against him, the less of a "mandate from the people" he has. Other members of the student council are more likely to speak up and oppose him knowing that a large portion of the student body are doing the same.

In the next election, even if the class spaz ran on the Spaz ticket and picked up 10 votes then the results would skew the numbers against Mr. Invulnerable. It weakens the dominant party to have people voting against them. Non-voters don't count because they don't exist as voters. Non-voters silence themselves.

It's very important for all Americans to inform themselves as best they can and vote. It's not just for some elected official, there's usually other seats and bills on the ballot too. VOTE!

VOTE for yourself if you don't like anyone on the ballot but VOTE.


You don't want people to vote for America. You want people to vote for The Oligarchy, and the racist bigots that they are.
ALWAYS write a name in. ALWAYS vote. Someone real even if yourself. A good reason is to throw off the size of his win.

There were a couple elections when I couldn't write a name in, for whatever reason. Thinking particularly about the elections I voted in when I lived in NYC 20+ years ago.
My first vote was for Anderson he was a third party dude
I learned hostupid that was and never did it again
Only Democratic Party members from that point on
The Republican Party was just reprehensible all my adult life

I have never known a Republican Party that wasn't a front for right-wing, white supremacist, Christian authoritarianism.
Because you defend their past evils

And still buy their lies about gun laws

What past evils are you claiming I've defended. Specificity please. Not the usual shotgun blast of generalities all the nutjobs always use.

What lies about gun laws? Are you denying the Democrats want to ban guns, specifically by reenacting the Clinton Gun Control Bill or the 2013 Obama version?
We aren't talking about what Biden did, we're talking about what you mistakenly thought Trump did.

Post-Modern-Philistine doesn't give a shit what you or anyone else thinks. He's here to divide and spread evil.
Dutch...they're BOTH racist quotes.

The Buckley quote is racist because he wrote that in reaction to desegregation.

What do you think Buckley was screaming "STOP" to in 1955?

What was going on in the country in 1955 that reactionaries wanted to stop?

If you have evidence of it being race, please post it.