CRT in the news


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Kali Fontanilla discovered that not only was CRT being taught—her minority students were failing it.

Kali Fontanilla—a high school English language teacher working in the Salinas, California, school district—noticed that many of her students were failing one of their classes: ethnic studies. Instruction was entirely online.

Still, Fontanilla thought it was odd to see so many Fs.

All of Fontanilla's students were Hispanic. Proponents who propose adding ethnic studies to various curricula—and made it mandatory, as the Salinas school district did—typically intend CRT for "privileged white students".

There's a certain irony in requiring members of an ethnic minority to study this, and an even greater irony in the fact that such students were struggling intensely with the course.

"My students are failing ethnic studies," says Fontanilla, who is of Jamaican ancestry. "I would say half of them are failing this ethnic studies class."

This made Fontanilla curious about what the course was teaching. All of the high school's teachers used the same online platform to post lesson plans and course materials, so Fontanilla decided to take a look.

She was shocked by what she saw.

You might be, too:

CRT is not taught in schools K-12, what some right wing blogger frames as CRT is not CRT, teaching a high school kid CRT would be like teaching him GWF Hegal or Emmanuel Kant

Stop spreading propaganda
CRT is not taught in schools K-12, what some right wing blogger frames as CRT is not CRT, teaching a high school kid CRT would be like teaching him GWF Hegal or Emmanuel Kant Stop spreading propaganda

Slides from lesson plans provided by Fontanilla confirm that the ethnic studies course references critical race theory by name.



Facts are facts. They don't change depending on which website they happen to come from. But here you are, attacking the source once more. If you had anything more substantial, you'd post it.

Poor Anchovies.
CRT is not taught in schools K-12, what some right wing blogger frames as CRT is not CRT, teaching a high school kid CRT would be like teaching him GWF Hegal or Emmanuel Kant

Stop spreading propaganda


Slides from lesson plans provided by Fontanilla confirm that the ethnic studies course references critical race theory by name.

Poor Anchovies.

Appears "copy and paste" doesn't understand "what some right wing blogger frames as CRT," even in his own article, "opponents often use the term "CRT" to refer a broader set of concepts, and "Dan Burns, superintendent of Salinas Union High School district, denied that the course was based on CRT"

As I said correctly from the offset, CRT is not taught in schools K-12, what some right wing blogger frames as CRT is not CRT

Now should come the "poor anchovies" as "copy's" attempted to save face when proven wrong
Appears "copy and paste" doesn't understand "what some right wing blogger frames as CRT," even in his own article, "opponents often use the term "CRT" to refer a broader set of concepts, and "Dan Burns, superintendent of Salinas Union High School district, denied that the course was based on CRT" As I said correctly from the offset,CRT is not taught in schools K-12, what some right wing blogger frames as CRT is not CRT Now should come the "poor anchovies" as "copy's" attempted to save face when proven wrong

Slides from lesson plans provided by Fontanilla confirm that the ethnic studies course references critical race theory by name.

Poor Anchovies.
Appears "copy and paste" doesn't understand "what some right wing blogger frames as CRT," even in his own article, "opponents often use the term "CRT" to refer a broader set of concepts, and "Dan Burns, superintendent of Salinas Union High School district, denied that the course was based on CRT"

As I said correctly from the offset, CRT is not taught in schools K-12, what some right wing blogger frames as CRT is not CRT

Now should come the "poor anchovies" as "copy's" attempted to save face when proven wrong

Slides from lesson plans provided by Fontanilla confirm that the ethnic studies course references critical race theory by name.



Poor Anchovies.

I think you are smart enough to understand that referencing something by name is not the same thing as “teaching it”.
CRT is not taught in schools K-12, what some right wing blogger frames as CRT is not CRT, teaching a high school kid CRT would be like teaching him GWF Hegal or Emmanuel Kant

Stop spreading propaganda

Did you read the course syllabus?
In a statement to The Epoch Times, Dan Burns, superintendent of Salinas Union High School district, denied that the course was based on CRT, though he conceded that CRT "is addressed in our course as one of the frameworks within the K-12 Ethnic Studies Outcomes list."

Indeed, CRT is referenced in the district's ethnic course syllabus, which is available online. The syllabus stresses that students will study "intergenerational trauma" through an interdisciplinary and critical lens. Scholarly articles about critical race theory are included in the suggested curriculum, including "Whose culture has capital? A critical race theory discussion of community cultural wealth," by Tara J. Yosso, a UCLA professor of education who specializes in critical race theory.

Poor Anchovies.
In a statement to The Epoch Times, Dan Burns, superintendent of Salinas Union High School district, denied that the course was based on CRT, though he conceded that CRT "is addressed in our course as one of the frameworks within the K-12 Ethnic Studies Outcomes list."

Indeed, CRT is referenced in the district's ethnic course syllabus, which is available online. The syllabus stresses that students will study "intergenerational trauma" through an interdisciplinary and critical lens. Scholarly articles about critical race theory are included in the suggested curriculum, including "Whose culture has capital? A critical race theory discussion of community cultural wealth," by Tara J. Yosso, a UCLA professor of education who specializes in critical race theory.

Poor Anchovies.

"We dont teach CRT" they say as everything they do revolves around CRT, everything they teach must conform to the narrative advanced by CRT.

They are lying, again.
Be advised, and govern yourselves accordingly

We'll call this new rule the Dutch Uncle rule.

Quote Box Altering:

One can alter a quote box by removing some of a wall of text to expose the specific part you are responding to, or splitting it apart so you can respond to each item one at a time. However, altering the words posted and changing the meaning of what they said for whatever reason (a joke for instance) is not allowed unless you change the "quoted by" portion of the quote to make it clear that the original poster did not post what you are "making" them say. We will begin by deleting these posts, and if it continues we will get into banning.


A bad "quote" that we would delete:

Boy I love to Watch folks burn flags, especially if they are also supporting the slaughter of innocents!

An altered "quote" that would not be deleted:

Boy I love to Watch folks burn flags, especially if they are also supporting the slaughter of innocents!

So, no more altering quote boxes to make it look like you quoted somebody saying something they have not.
