Blackouts possible this summer due to heat and extreme weather, officials warn

Global Warming is real

  • Agreed. NASA details the evidence and causes

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • Disagreed as proved by Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe - I'm still thinking about it

    Votes: 1 12.5%

  • Total voters
We are not to mention that the grid needs something like $2 trillion in investment, and that we dont have enough electric production capacity, nor that there is a big push for intermittent energy production.

Its global warmings fault, because it cant be our leaders fault.

It's the fault of ignorant shitheads that don't believe it's even happening. just keep reading, I'm sure there will be plenty to respond.
You feel they should do everything except raise the tax revenue to pay for it.

Trump's sheeple just keep repeating the same shit they've been told for years; global warming doesn't exist, we'd be better off if the oil companies had unlimited access to our nation's resources and it's all the Democrat's fault.

These idiots think turning back the clock is the best solution to our nation's problems.
Trump's sheeple just keep repeating the same shit they've been told for years; global warming doesn't exist, we'd be better off if the oil companies had unlimited access to our nation's resources and it's all the Democrat's fault.

These idiots think turning back the clock is the best solution to our nation's problems.

Turn it back to about February 2020. :D

PS: To think man can affect the world's weather in any meaningful way is the height of ignorance and arrogance.

Dumb Dutch here ticks both boxes on that.
Yes because summers weren't hot before the industrial revolution. If we have blackouts it will be the result of Bidens incompetent and failed energy policies.

Texas has had major blackouts for years before Biden, is he still responsible? The blackouts they have had were not from renewable sources.

The main cause of the massive disruption, by far, were the frozen components leading to the outage of thermal plants that heat water and convert the steam to electricity. The vast bulk of those thermal plants are powered by natural gas. In addition, the South Texas Nuclear Plant was thrown out of service Monday as a result of frozen pipes, which cut even further into the Houston area’s electricity supply.

Texas also is not on either of our major power grids, they have their own. Texas is run by right wing shitheads so fuck them, let them suffer.
power grid.JPG
You want solutions? Remove Obama-era restrictions on power plants and drill, baby, drill!

Also build small modular nuke plants.

Just where will the oil companies drill that they can't now? There aren't any. Ignorant fucks such as yourself haven't a clue about the oil business.
Thanks for the standard mantra of corporations.

Matt; if Exxon could drill oil for $20/barrel and oil was selling for $100/barrel in Europe, do you really believe Exxon would sell all the oil you want for $20/barrel?

They're a corporation with fiduciary responsibilities to maximize profit. They'd ship as much oil as they have from the US to Europe.

Exxon will not sell anyone oil for a penny less than the global price of oil set by OPEC.
And if Exxon can buy oil for $50 per barrel when it costs them $60 per barrel to drill for it, they will stop drilling and buy it overseas. That is why the US is not dependent on oil from elsewhere. Just because we may have imported more than we produced does not mean we are dependent. The instant oil prices rise enough that it is profitable for oil companies to produce, we won't need a drop from elsewhere.
Exxon will not sell anyone oil for a penny less than the global price of oil set by OPEC.
And if Exxon can buy oil for $50 per barrel when it costs them $60 per barrel to drill for it, they will stop drilling and buy it overseas. That is why the US is not dependent on oil from elsewhere. Just because we may have imported more than we produced does not mean we are dependent. The instant oil prices rise enough that it is profitable for oil companies to produce, we won't need a drop from elsewhere.

Agreed. These idiots are just sucking up the bullshit being fed to them by global corporations. It was the same with Big Tobacco back in the day.

So, dipshit: Exactly how is Biden affecting US oil production?

He isn't. US oil production is driven by the global price of oil and not the president. US oil companies have countless drilling leases they are not using for reasons that have nothing to do with Biden.