He's living a fantasy life which conflicts with his claiming to be a "1", WYSIWYG. I doubt he has Tourette syndrome. More likely he's a mild person in public...when he's sober.
Or a Russo bot hole
He's living a fantasy life which conflicts with his claiming to be a "1", WYSIWYG. I doubt he has Tourette syndrome. More likely he's a mild person in public...when he's sober.
He claimed on the first page of this thread he presents himself here exactly as he does in real life.He's living a fantasy life which conflicts with his claiming to be a "1", WYSIWYG. I doubt he has Tourette syndrome. More likely he's a mild person in public...when he's sober.
Not long ago he was pretending that he was a kind person
I’m used to it
Men are always using violent sex crap to scare me
They can’t kill me through the internets
Did you speak to women like that on public-facing social media where your sisters, aunts, neices, daughters, coworkers could see what you were writing?
Or did you seek out anonymous message boards to give you cover to indulge the dark and offensive side of your personality?
They are in cahoots
I am dubious that so many posters could claim they present themselves here exactly like they do in real life.
Way too many male posters casually use the word cunt, whore, and bitch from the safety of an anonymous keyboard to credibly be representative of how they actually talk to women in real life.
Moby was the owner, a flaming liberal.
Tutonic WAS Micawber. We called him trolltoxic over there.
But you aren't in on all the history and did not post there regularly. So stop pretending you were.
He claimed on the first page of this thread he presents himself here exactly as he does in real life.
Either he is lying.
Or he actually does call women cunts to their faces in real life.
Sure you registered under a screen name, went there to post occasionally and that was it. Several ppl from this board did that - I remember when it happened. None really posted with any regularity as they stayed over here mainly.
DCJ was an ALL liberal board with little to no representation from the right. I didn't run in a gang, no. Never have, never will. I don't post on liberal political message boards to make "friends" as I have those in real life.
With all the political battles I participated in over there, I never carried a grudge, never doxxed anyone and those I fought with I am fully civil with now.
Unlike your master, the crazy doxxing cunt who hoards and publishes posts from 10-20 years ago like a rubber room nut job. Can you see how friggin' crazy that is?
Cuz everyone else can. Guaranteed.
History or not, there is ZERO justification for the perpetual doxxing which has transpired. NONE.Physician heal thyself. Why don't you stop pretending you know all the history between Top and other members of this board?
Along with being a Doxxing Cunt you can add Lying Cunt to your repertoire.
No. Christiecrite and Phantasmal never "knew" me as Minty just as you did not. They never posted there on a regular basis. They signed up for a minute and that was all.
Anonymoose, Bill, Sailor, BAC and a couple of others here did know me as Minty. But you and your sycophants DID NOT.
What a lying, miserable cunt says about me on a backwoods board doesn't mean diddly shit to me.
Go get bent.
No I don't cuz that "s/n" never made one post I'd bet dollars to doughnuts.If you don't even know the s/n I used on DCJ, then you don't know when and what I posted except for what I've said here. So stop pretending. You're trying to fake it 'til you make it, ain't gonna happen.
No shit. I didn't say it was doxxing. I asked the cunt to stop pretending to "know" me from another board."Minty" is not doxxing. Just sayin'. And it sure does seem that you care, so diddly sh*t must be a rare treat in your world.
He claimed on the first page of this thread he presents himself here exactly as he does in real life.
Either he is lying.
Or he actually does call women cunts to their faces in real life.
Can't disagree there. Dictators like other dictators. That's why Trump sucked up to Putin and Kim. I don't know why he didn't suck up to Xi.
No shit. I didn't say it was doxxing. I asked the cunt to stop pretending to "know" me from another board.
Hope that helps.
Wasn’t there a Hudman?Yep, I remember Gandy. Also Eman, Gazza Queen or whatever name she was using, Micawber, TT64, tutonic, crowonapost, BAC and Bill to name a few. And when we were there annata wasn't the mod, it was a guy who's name I don't remember... Keith? Scott? He shut down the board abruptly, he wasn't paying the bill or something. And then someone started DCJ again for a short time, only under a .net instead of a .com.