Leftist Vermin
Yes, Althea was there as well under a different name, but it’s not coming to me.
I thought I remembered her being a mod for just a short time.
Althea is a dude. The sn is his cat.

Yes, Althea was there as well under a different name, but it’s not coming to me.
I thought I remembered her being a mod for just a short time.
Her as in Darla.Althea is a dude. The sn is his cat.![]()
Sorry Dutch. Your probation will end Sunday, June 12 at 5pm Pacific, 8pm Eastern. Check your local listings.
Behave yourself next time. You don't have to dominate everything. You'll be fine.
I started posting at DCJ around 2010. I had known BAC from this board and he migrated to DCJ and so I started posting there, and here. Then DCJ shutdown and we coaxed BAC back here, but the racists are just too much for him, and now, I don’t know what’s become of him.![]()
Drama Queen = bipolarism
And that's a knockout.. that's a wrap, folks.
Shut down!!! Yeah!!
It also equals a sad person with very low self-esteem. Minty constantly says that this is some backwater POS forum so who cares who says what on it -- but then she freaks out about who says what.
Seriously, how invested in some other person that you know nothing about, to call her a CUNT because you hate and fear her for *nothing* she ever did to you? She thinks that being called that makes me look bad. It doesn't. It's just a word. Calling me that says a lot more about Minty and her issues and meltdowns here today, than it does about me. So does her obsession with pretending I doxed her or anyone else.
Your attempts to defend the insane doxxing cunt have failed miserably. Any reader can see it is batshit crazy to stalk a person and grind an axe over a "meanie post" from over a decade ago.You give a fuck about posts from 11 years ago from two people in a feud. You're discussing posts from 11 years ago now, Lig. LOL
You're emotionally upset over a feud between two people. As I stated yesterday, I try to stay out of it. Yes, feuds are unhealthy but once you or I tell the participants that fact, we have a choice to back off or jump in. You chose to jump in and I chose to back off.
You jumping on me about it doesn't do anything except prove you are more emotionally attached to this than you are willing to admit. In short, ma'am, you really do GAF.
Get bent, you lying, doxxing cunt.It's delicious that you are so frantic and freaked out about this, Minty. Why is that? Is it undermining your bizarre campaign to discredit me and paint me to be as ugly and dishonest as you? You're afraid that I know the REAL you, that you revealed in some moments of weakness. I'm fucking up your MintyHeroDefenderOfFakeVictims persona... because we know you're not that at all. You're just an ugly, angry, bitter racist loser who thinks by championing others like yourself, you'll be redeemed. And where is your latest squeeze, Toxic? Why isn't she here defending you? Ask Eagle Eye why.
Your attempts to defend the insane doxxing cunt have failed miserably. Any reader can see it is batshit crazy to stalk a person and grind an axe over a "meanie post" from over a decade ago.
Crazy doesn't even begin to describe it. I've never done such as that. Ask the posters who "know" me from years past. I'm not a stalker or a doxxer and don't give a rat's ass what someone posted to me in 2007. Only lunatics do.
No, he just quit posting. The last screen name that he used was "Captain Underdog" which of course had to become Capt. Underpants. lol
He did the same things here, along with stalking various ppl. He even went so far to claim that he came up here where we live and wanted us to meet him at a bar so he could beat us up. He gave the name of the bar (one he randomly googled) and what time he would supposedly be there. Little did he know that one of my school friends is a server there. Predictably, he did not show. When exposed, he vanished shortly thereafter. He also had mods from another forum coming here to report on his trolling and doxing activities. He's a mess.
You defend that nasty cunt at every turn but cannot cogently defend her insanity. I'm merely spotlighting what always been there for all to see.You are falsely accusing me of defending a feud. The evidence is here for all to read showing that, between the four of us, I'm the only one trying to stay out of it. The fact you have to lie proves you are guilty .
You defend that nasty cunt at every turn but cannot cogently defend her insanity. I'm merely spotlighting what always been there for all to see.
Was that Trinnity, or uh..damn..older dude. He's always setting danialpalos straight. And I can't remember right now.
He watches college sports n stuff.
Trinnity (note the spellin') is a late middle-aged upper middle-class boxed wine aficionado with a boutique Alt-Right forum. Since Trump's attempted coup, she'd backed off quite a bit....which indicates guilt. I suspect the Feds had a heart-to-heart chat with her and her nutjobs forum members. Someting like:
"Show us the PMs, emails and everything else you have, Trinnity" or go to jail for contempt".![]()
I think it was a guy that's a mod elsewhere, but he's a member here, too.
Why do some people have a need for drama?
For me, my need for drama stemmed partly from a need for attention. I often felt unnoticed in life and felt bypassed by other people. I had some vulnerable narcissistic tendencies going on and had a need for recognition. Creating drama was one way of gaining attention by sharing my (sometimes very funny, sometimes scary) stories with other people. People with a need for drama often display personality disorders including borderline, psychopathic, and narcissistic disorders.1
Learned behaviour
When you are raised in a family where drama plays a central role—perhaps as the result of being raised by a narcissistic or borderline parent—you learn that this is just how people act. Without a role model of relationship stability, you might internalise that people show love and affection through unstable and dramatic behaviour.
Self-destructive behaviours
If you have experienced trauma—for instance, in the form of emotional, physical, or sexual abuse—then recreating dramatic situations can be seen as a form of self-destructive behaviour. It is impossible to feel happy and content whilst you are living within sequential dramas; continuing to engage in this type of behaviour may stem from low self-esteem which is the result of past trauma.
Manipulation and control
Creating a drama is one way of controlling others and is often a form of passive aggression. Instead of being open and honest with people you are involved with, you can draw them into a drama—perhaps by creating a reason to fight with them—in order to make them feel bad about themselves or guilty about the way they have acted towards you.
One client told me that, after a temporary split with her boyfriend, she lied about going to the doctor and being told she would need tests to establish whether or not she had cancer. Her personal drama allowed her to pull her boyfriend back into the relationship.
I used to enjoy the excitement of being involved in a drama. Nothing gets the adrenaline flowing quicker than wondering if you’re going to be caught out. Some people in couples get addicted to the passion of make-up sex and the intensity of emotion which follows an argument. They become so used to being on an emotional rollercoaster that they become addicted to it.
Give up the fights, the lies, the manipulation, the intense intimacy, and… you’re a bit lost. How do you know your relationship is going okay without the breaking and making up? If you stop creating dramas, you’ll feel for a while that there’s nothing in its place—it’s the same as stopping any other self-destructive behaviours. You’ve got so used to this way of being you don’t know how to act differently.
Personality or developmental disorder
If you find yourself constantly experiencing life as a series of highs and lows and you really don’t know why, you may have an undiagnosed personality or developmental disorder such as bipolar disorder or emotionally unstable personality disorder. Your behaviour may feel very out of control at times and you should seek out help and assistance from a qualified professional.
Agreed about a low self-esteem situation.
I don't understand all the drama nor all the names being tossed around from years ago.