Online Personality: Fantasy or Reality?

(Anonymous) Please rank your JPP personality on a scale of 1 to 5

  • The Real Me. WYSIWYG

    Votes: 12 80.0%
  • An Idealized Me. All the good parts, none of the bad

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A little of both. Exaggerations mostly.

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Mostly me but I like fantasy too.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Internet is a Wonderland were we can be anything we want to be!

    Votes: 1 6.7%

  • Total voters
No one's accusing you of that, Minty. That's Toxic's gig. You're eager to believe that it's mine as well. Too bad you are wrong, as always. Too bad all you can do is shriek and lie, but cannot prove anything. Too bad you continue to make yourself look like a deranged harpy.

Your cliches are boring, btw. Here, this might help you come up with some new ones. :laugh:
Get bent, Doxxing Cunt.
Nothing is troubling me. I'm fine. Getting ready to hit the beach.

If being repulsed by an intrinsically cruel person means I'm "troubled," I think you are the troubled one for going along with one.

There is nothing wrong with Top. You have been lied to by a deranged cruel person. The proof is in the pudding. You can't defend crazy, which is demonstrated in spades.

Awesome for you, Lig! :thup:

It's okay to be repulsed by cruel people. That's why most people stay out of your TDS thread. LOL

Disagreed on TOP for previously mentioned reasons. You're free to call me stupid or a puppet because I disagree with you, Lig, but all that does is show your intolerance for disagreement.
RWers in general or on JPP? In general it's a much wider picture.

On JPP, they fit a profile of angry, impotent men. Notice how many crow about Trump and the militias but haven't donated a penny or a second of their time to helping them overthrow the country. They're just keyboard warriors venting and trolling. No doubt a few of them will have FBI interviews depending upon what they are doing IRL.

If anything STY says is true, I suspect he'll have an interview...if he hasn't already had one. It'd be ironic if he gave up Fredo, eh? LOL

Isn't he the one who used to have "Oathkeeper/Threeper" as his title under his screen name? Funny how that was changed post-January 6.
Awesome for you, Lig! :thup:

It's okay to be repulsed by cruel people. That's why most people stay out of your TDS thread. LOL

Disagreed on TOP for previously mentioned reasons. You're free to call me stupid or a puppet because I disagree with you, Lig, but all that does is show your intolerance for disagreement.

Minty doesn't seem to understand that the ppl who dislike Toxic do so because of their own negative interactions with the poor unhinged thing. You and others have been coat-tailed from your first day here and accused of being a sock. Christie was relentlessly stalked and had her every post "groaned" by Toxic when we first showed up here. No comments or replies to her posts, just groans. She finally went to the OriginalThumbSuckingSafeHouse RB built for Toxic, and confronted her. Phan has been accused of reading PMs, "two sets of rules," and other nefarious mod doings. Damo the same. Grind called her a "retard" because her frequent wee-ports were not understandable. The list goes on and on, and now includes a good number of JPPers who were not on the old forum. But yeah sure, it's all Owl's fault. :laugh:

It's amazing how Minty can so hate an anonymous message board person, while simultaneously ascribing vast powers to her. I feel so special. ;)
Minty doesn't seem to understand that the ppl who dislike Toxic do so because of their own negative interactions with the poor unhinged thing. You and others have been coat-tailed from your first day here and accused of being a sock. Christie was relentlessly stalked and had her every post "groaned" by Toxic when we first showed up here. No comments or replies to her posts, just groans. She finally went to the OriginalThumbSuckingSafeHouse RB built for Toxic, and confronted her. Phan has been accused of reading PMs, "two sets of rules," and other nefarious mod doings. Damo the same. Grind called her a "retard" because her frequent wee-ports were not understandable. The list goes on and on, and now includes a good number of JPPers who were not on the old forum. But yeah sure, it's all Owl's fault. :laugh:

It's amazing how Minty can so hate an anonymous message board person, while simultaneously ascribing vast powers to her. I feel so special. ;)

All excellent points which is why Lig's attacks on me are unwarranted. Sad.

Interesting and excellent point about hating people she's never met since just the other day she was claiming that no one can assess a person's personality online.
All excellent points which is why Lig's attacks on me are unwarranted. Sad.

Interesting and excellent point about hating people she's never met since just the other day she was claiming that no one can assess a person's personality online.

Bingo. She's also gone on and on about *others* focusing on and gossiping about "strangers they'll never meet." Guess with that one, like with many hypocritical Reichwingers, it's not sauce for the goose but only for the gander.

As for why she's targeting you, that's simple. She thinks that if she can belittle and shame you enough, like she tried with EE, she can drive away my alleged supporters. People like that think we're all a pack of hyenas or something, rather than humans who prefer one person over another for our own individual reasons. Only Minty is a loner, no one else. And I'm Little BoPeep. lol
Bingo. She's also gone on and on about *others* focusing on and gossiping about "strangers they'll never meet." Guess with that one, like with many hypocritical Reichwingers, it's not sauce for the goose but only for the gander.

As for why she's targeting you, that's simple. She thinks that if she can belittle and shame you enough, like she tried with EE, she can drive away my alleged supporters. People like that think we're all a pack of hyenas or something, rather than humans who prefer one person over another for our own individual reasons. Only Minty is a loner, no one else. And I'm Little BoPeep. lol

Is it because hyenas think everyone else is a hyena too?
Classic projection for the win!

Hey, I know I'm a pain for butting in a lot but I gotta ask you something. This morning I saw Hawkeye10 say something about "Mistress being cross about me polluting her thread"? And then TOP showed up and he started acting normal for a post. It's like they've got some type of Mistress/slave thing going on. What's up with that?
Hey, I know I'm a pain for butting in a lot but I gotta ask you something. This morning I saw Hawkeye10 say something about "Mistress being cross about me polluting her thread"? And then TOP showed up and he started acting normal for a post. It's like they've got some type of Mistress/slave thing going on. What's up with that?

He's an alcoholic substance abuser who has the hots for the old spinster. He is married. He often refers to his wife as "THE SLUT" (in all caps). Toxic TOP encourages his attentions. She is very proud of her "tribute thread" and loves that Hawkeye stays up all night posting nonsensical shit to boost the post count on it. Only they know what goes on in their PM exchanges. It doesn't bear thinking about. :laugh:
He's an alcoholic substance abuser who has the hots for the old spinster. He is married. He often refers to his wife as "THE SLUT" (in all caps). Toxic TOP encourages his attentions. She is very proud of her "tribute thread" and loves that Hawkeye stays up all night posting nonsensical shit to boost the post count on it. Only they know what goes on in their PM exchanges. It doesn't bear thinking about. :laugh:

I appreciate the information. And I am totally with you right up until the pm reading. I never want to know what's in there. I promise!
He's an alcoholic substance abuser who has the hots for the old spinster. He is married. He often refers to his wife as "THE SLUT" (in all caps). Toxic TOP encourages his attentions. She is very proud of her "tribute thread" and loves that Hawkeye stays up all night posting nonsensical shit to boost the post count on it. Only they know what goes on in their PM exchanges. It doesn't bear thinking about. :laugh:

Oh, also. I believe the substance abuse thing.. it's the "wife' thing I'm having a little trouble with. I'm thinking he might be renting a room in someone's home and he's just locked in all day sleeping and all night posting.

Who could tolerate that? I'm thinking fat, drunk, miserable troll at a small desk with his Commodore 64.

But I have an 'wishful' imagination.

That is some weird shit, Owlie. Also I think some folk take this place a little too seriously. Two people have warned me so far that some people might be posing as liberals, when they're actually secret MAGA's.

I appreciate the warning.. but I guess if that happened it would be fun when they finally came out - because they always do - and I just hit them with trash talk until I have mumbling to themselves <-- I probably could never do that but I find it does not hurt for me to have delusions of grandeur. :)
Awesome for you, Lig! :thup:

It's okay to be repulsed by cruel people. That's why most people stay out of your TDS thread. LOL

Disagreed on TOP for previously mentioned reasons. You're free to call me stupid or a puppet because I disagree with you, Lig, but all that does is show your intolerance for disagreement.
The original post is as true today as when I wrote it in 2018. Nothing cruel about it.

I am repulsed by cruel people. TOP is not the villianous ogre the cunt painted her to be. My opinion is based on my observations and the writings on this board. You refuse to share the basis for your "opinion." So far, you've not presented one statement to support your description of her and I suspect you never will. I've asked you time and time again.

Wow, so TOP posted a "mean" post on another board 15 years ago? Who cares? Anonymous message boards are not for the thin skinned, especially with politics involved. When you push someone to the edge, they will often write anything to retaliate. And that is fine and is meaningless in the scheme of things. It is not a Miss Manners symposium. If one is not equipped to handle a rough environment, they should stay away from such mediums. The solution is not to dox and terrorize a stranger for 10 years over a meanie post or three. At least that is not what sane people do.

I have laid out everything clearly so any reader can see insane it all is. Surely you are bright enough to see it.
The original post is as true today as when I wrote it in 2018. Nothing cruel about it.

I am repulsed by cruel people. TOP is not the villianous ogre the cunt painted her to be. My opinion is based on my observations and the writings on this board. You refuse to share the basis for your "opinion." So far, you've not presented one statement to support your description of her and I suspect you never will. I've asked you time and time again.

Wow, so TOP posted a "mean" post on another board 15 years ago? Who cares? Anonymous message boards are not for the thin skinned, especially with politics involved. When you push someone to the edge, they will often write anything to retaliate. And that is fine and is meaningless in the scheme of things. It is not a Miss Manners symposium. If one is not equipped to handle a rough environment, they should stay away from such mediums. The solution is not to dox and terrorize a stranger for 10 years over a meanie post or three. At least that is not what sane people do.

I have laid out everything clearly so any reader can see insane it all is. Surely you are bright enough to see it.

I never read Toxic Tops posts, never responded to her, never engaged her in any way. She wasn't on my radar in the slightest way. But she took it upon herself to cheerfully join in spreading slander and libel about me, without any actual evidence and based on nothing more than bogus and malicious innuendo.
All excellent points which is why Lig's attacks on me are unwarranted. Sad.

Interesting and excellent point about hating people she's never met since just the other day she was claiming that no one can assess a person's personality online.
Attacks? More gaslighting. That doesn't fly here either.

Ascribe whatever lies to me you can come up to get your kudos from a kook. I don't care because what I know is all that matters, to me. I'm not a mean person who hates people. I'm very decent, the real deal.

What's sad is you going along with a cruel-hearted lunatic who is obsessed with someone because they posted a mean post over a decade ago.

Own it.
Bingo. She's also gone on and on about *others* focusing on and gossiping about "strangers they'll never meet." Guess with that one, like with many hypocritical Reichwingers, it's not sauce for the goose but only for the gander.

As for why she's targeting you, that's simple. She thinks that if she can belittle and shame you enough, like she tried with EE, she can drive away my alleged supporters. People like that think we're all a pack of hyenas or something, rather than humans who prefer one person over another for our own individual reasons. Only Minty is a loner, no one else. And I'm Little BoPeep. lol
Like I tried with EE?

Maybe you should share how you really felt about EE. About how you said his wife was a piece of trash gutter whore and he was a loser living in a trailer and having an affair with TOP.

Betcha didn't tell him that, did ya?
The original post is as true today as when I wrote it in 2018. Nothing cruel about it.

I am repulsed by cruel people. TOP is not the villianous ogre the cunt painted her to be. My opinion is based on my observations and the writings on this board. You refuse to share the basis for your "opinion." So far, you've not presented one statement to support your description of her and I suspect you never will. I've asked you time and time again.

Wow, so TOP posted a "mean" post on another board 15 years ago? Who cares? Anonymous message boards are not for the thin skinned, especially with politics involved. When you push someone to the edge, they will often write anything to retaliate. And that is fine and is meaningless in the scheme of things. It is not a Miss Manners symposium. If one is not equipped to handle a rough environment, they should stay away from such mediums. The solution is not to dox and terrorize a stranger for 10 years over a meanie post or three. At least that is not what sane people do.

I have laid out everything clearly so any reader can see insane it all is. Surely you are bright enough to see it.

Ya I dont know if the problem is that TOP! was once long ago a meanie, or is it rather that she grates on nerves because she makes no secret that she is educated and refuses to be a victim, both of which are very poorly tolerated by the Victim Culture Cult and their apologists.
I never read Toxic Tops posts, never responded to her, never engaged her in any way. She wasn't on my radar in the slightest way. But she took it upon herself to cheerfully join in spreading slander and libel about me, without any actual evidence and based on nothing more than bogus and malicious innuendo.
Care to regale me with the details? Please show me where she "slandered" you, "Cypress". Did this 'libel' affect you personally, suffered any losses from it?
Ya I dont know if the problem is that TOP! was once long ago a meanie, or is it rather that she grates on nerves because she makes no secret that she is educated and refuses to be a victim, both of which are very poorly tolerated by the Victim Culture Cult and their apologists.
The problem is one nasty doxxing cunt. In a nutshell.