Maxine Waters Urges Civil Defiance, terrorism

Baring your brain for all

Violence is all that’s in it

yep. it's what you cowards needed when you wanted a strong military, remember that? now you have it..........too bad you couldn't brainwash me the way you wanted, racist.

now, fear me. because I am violent.
yep. it's what you cowards needed when you wanted a strong military, remember that? now you have it..........too bad you couldn't brainwash me the way you wanted, racist.

now, fear me. because I am violent.

You gonna kill Americans through the internets idiot?
well, you can certainly dream a lot of bullshit..........but i've been saying these things for years and nothing................maybe your pipe dream of being a government snitch isn't working out

Meh. You say a lot more than you think you say. Regardless, not my problem. I'm free to say what I want within the limits of forum rules as are you.

When it comes to legal shit, the FBI and DHS, that's up to them to figure out. LOL

Only criminals fear snitches. Honest people do not. That's why I know you are a criminal, STY. Just how much illegal shit you are into, IDK. Again, that's up to Law Enforcement to figure out be it state or federal.

My guess is that you are deep, deep into Federal illegalities. My guess is gun trafficking and militia activity. You think you have enough buffers, but your constant fear about "snitches" tells me you're not so sure. You should trust your gut. They already know who you are. Now all they need is enough evidence to stage an early morning raid and arrest.

Will you surrender or will you go out shooting and take your family with you? I'm curious.
You gonna kill Americans through the internets idiot?

He's heavily into some things offline. Just how much is TBD. My guess is he could be facing a few years in jail if local authorities or the Feds wanted to go after him.

More likely he'll just roll on bigger fish for home arrest, no computers and a felony on his rap sheet. He seems the type; no honor.
He's heavily into some things offline. Just how much is TBD. My guess is he could be facing a few years in jail if local authorities or the Feds wanted to go after him.

More likely he'll just roll on bigger fish for home arrest, no computers and a felony on his rap sheet.

Good thing the FBI is watching his stupid ass
I don't give a shit about what Watters says. She's not my rep. People like you have to search far and wide to find a dem who's a nut.

All we have to do to find a GOP who's a nut.. is just look at anyone. Wanna talk about MTG's Jewish space lasers, Princess?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Really?????!? Jewish space lasers??????!?
Meh. You say a lot more than you think you say. Regardless, not my problem. I'm free to say what I want within the limits of forum rules as are you.

When it comes to legal shit, the FBI and DHS, that's up to them to figure out. LOL

Only criminals fear snitches. Honest people do not. That's why I know you are a criminal, STY. Just how much illegal shit you are into, IDK. Again, that's up to Law Enforcement to figure out be it state or federal.

My guess is that you are deep, deep into Federal illegalities. My guess is gun trafficking and militia activity. You think you have enough buffers, but your constant fear about "snitches" tells me you're not so sure. You should trust your gut. They already know who you are. Now all they need is enough evidence to stage an early morning raid and arrest.

Will you surrender or will you go out shooting and take your family with you? I'm curious.

whatever makes you feel good, judas. would you have wanted a medal for snitching on george washington? My guess is you would have
SCOTUS just gave the ok to outlaw abortion in half the country. There was no question that was going to happen. Your think you're so smart with your, "it's up to the states" bullshit.

You twumptards are such morons and assholes, Julie.

It is up to the States, dumbass. NOTHING in the Constitution of the United States authorizes ANYTHING concerning murdering your own offspring.
They have to scour the internet to find some bullshit, any bullshit to cherry-pick..

and yes, the fact that Watters continually acts like the stereotypical, "angry black woman" does not help her cause.

But again.. there are so many more nuts in the GOP, it's like a confectionary worker's poop.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You think insulting people is going to make ANY DIFFERENCE???????!?