Lemme guess; Earl Turner, Ruby Ridge and Waco. Amirite?
Doolittle, the bad news is that you are a murderous psycho fomenting hate against Americans. The good news is that you are too pussified to actually do it so you look for patsies on the Internet to do it for you.
Do you really think murderous, anti-American assholes like yourself aren't in a computer somewhere? You're stupid to think "Well, the FBI needs thousands to watch the forums. Ha ha ha!".
Everything is digital and algorithmed, dumbass. That's why you stupid fucks keep getting caught. The same fucking software that Facebook and Tiktok use to track your dildo purchases is used by the NSA to fight terrorism. This info is passed to the FBI where appropriate.
Stop trying to kill Americans, asshole. It'll only hurt your family name.
#AmericanJihad, #Terrorist, #RAHOWA, #WhiteSupremacy