Good question. What cities did this? I know there was some screeching when the Chick-Fil-A ppl wanted to put one in the fairly liberal little enclave where we lived in STL, but the city itself did nothing to keep them out, nor did they keep out the nearby and almost-as-controversial Hobby Lobby. Most leaders put bucks and the good of the community overall, over political differences. Unless, of course, they're thinking of out-trumping Trump in the divisiveness category.
There is a difference, though, in preventing a business from coming in in the first place, and punishing a long-existing business because they spoke out against your discriminatory legislation.
Most of the Chick-Fil-A controversies have blown away and are dust in the wind today. Their COO finally learned to keep his BIG MOUTH shut, OR TOLD TO DO SO BY THE OWNER, rather than stirring up unnecessary Religious and LGBTQ controversy. And States, Cities, and Airports learned you can't legally keep them out- if they want to come in. And protests only made Chick-Fil-A more popular.
Chick-fil-A released a statement on July 31, 2012, saying, "We are a restaurant company focused on food, service, and hospitality; our intent is to leave the policy debate over same-sex marriage to the government and political arena."
In a November 18, 2019 interview, Chick-fil-A president Tim Tassopoulos said the company would stop donating to The Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
The problem today, is the Traffic Jams surrounding the popularity of Chick-fil-A's drive-throughs in the United States that has led to traffic problems, police interventions, and complaints by neighboring businesses in more than 20 states. The long drive-through lines have been reported to cause traffic backups, blocking emergency vehicles and city buses and increasing the risk of collisions and pedestrian injuries.
Chick-Fil-A has responded by opening up as many as 5 Drive Through lanes at their restaurants- AND THAT IS NOT EVEN ENOUGH, AS THE LINES ARE STILL OUT HOLDING UP TRAFFIC IN THE STREETS JUST TO GET IN.
I drive by their locations now and see over 100 cars in line, and just say to myself, "Crazy People- Crazy People EVERYWHERE"!
There is just no Fast Food on the market, worth over an hour's wait in line for, for me! Life is too short for that- to me!
The typical Chick-Fil-A crowds, are the very same Starbucks fanatics, where the thing most important to them is, to be seen there, NOT WHAT THEY ARE SERVING!
I don't want to be seen anywhere like that!