Obama ranked 7th greatest president


Appeal to authority, a logical fallacy. They need to justify their answers.

Kinda funny, you got to be the type of guy who would make catching a bus complicated, the one everyone hated to see walk into a meeting, it’s not that difficult, and as I showed you, Trump has never finished higher than 41st in any Presidential list

And the fallacy bullshit is erroneous, I don’t know why you people think just importing some fallacy of a Google list of fallacies invalidates anything, it is sophomoric at best
Kinda funny, you got to be the type of guy who would make catching a bus complicated, the one everyone hated to see walk into a meeting, it’s not that difficult, and as I showed you, Trump has never finished higher than 41st in any Presidential list

And the fallacy bullshit is erroneous, I don’t know why you people think just importing some fallacy of a Google list of fallacies invalidates anything, it is sophomoric at best

Trump's or Obama's rating isn't the point here. It's that their ratings in this poll were based on 154 respondent's opinions and nothing else.
But it's remarkable that one would lie so flagrantly about no source in the NYT article, but then flee in panic from the claim without owning it.

I picture you as the guy that everyone avoids at a party ( if you’re ever invited to one) or a new acquaintance walks away from after about 2 minutes.
Trump's or Obama's rating isn't the point here. It's that their ratings in this poll were based on 154 respondent's opinions and nothing else.

What did that rate on? You act like they are rightys and parroted what Fox said. They did due diligence. Trump is at the bottom of every rating poll by political historians.
Probably some of the most effective organizers of civil disobedience in police states are those who keep their opinions about pedo kings on the down low

Agreed. One doesn't want to end up like Navalny under a Pedophile King like King Rama X.
They say the source was 154 professional historians, some self identified as Democrats, some as Republicans, and the Republicans also ranked Trump low on the list - imagine that.
Yea...Moose is a hack sometimes.

[FONT=&quot]Unfortunately for Mr Trump, the Republican scholars did not help his low ranking, as he still came out in 41st place out of 45 among Republicans only. Among Democrat scholars, he placed 45th.[/FONT]
List the source. I've seen a number of those lists over the years from various "academics" and it's pretty easy to see they put little thought into them, making them pretty much worthless other than being their opinion as they clearly didn't base their evaluations on any sort of ranking criteria.

Official Results of the 2024 Presidential Greatness Project Expert Survey
Brandon Rottinghaus, University of Houston
Justin S. Vaughn, Coastal Carolina University

The 2024 Presidential Greatness Project Expert Survey was conducted online via Qualtrics
from November 15 to December 31, 2023. Respondents included current and recent members of the
Presidents & Executive Politics Section of the American Political Science Association, which is the
foremost organization of social science experts in presidential politics, as well as scholars who had
recently published peer-reviewed academic research in key related scholarly journals or academic
presses. 525 respondents were invited to participate, and 154 usable responses were received,
yielding a 29.3% response rate.1

Rating and Ranking the Presidents

The primary purpose of this survey was to create a ranking of presidential greatness that
covered all presidents from George Washington to Joe Biden. To do this, we asked respondents to
rate each president on a scale of 0-100 for their overall greatness, with 0=failure, 50=average, and
100=great. We then averaged the ratings for each president and ranked them from highest average
to lowest.
The results of this ranking are quite similar to the results from our previous surveys
(released in 2015 and 2018): Abraham Lincoln again tops the list (95.03 average), followed by
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (90.83), George Washington (90.32), Teddy Roosevelt (78.58), Thomas
Jefferson (77.53), Harry Truman (75.34), Barack Obama (73.8), and Dwight Eisenhower (73.73).
The most notable changes in this ordering are Franklin Delano Roosevelt moving up to #2 from the
third spot last year, and Dwight Eisenhower falling back to #8 from #6 last year. The bottom of the
rankings is also relatively stable. Donald Trump rates lowest (10.92), behind James Buchanan
(16.71), Andrew Johnson (21.56), Franklin Pierce (24.6), William Henry Harrison (26.01), and
Warren Harding (27.76).

What is most noteworthy about the remaining presidents concerns who has risen and fallen
over time. Since our initial survey, several presidents have had significant changes in their rankings.
Barack Obama has risen 9 places (from #16 to #7), as has Ulysses S. Grant (from #26 to #17), while
Andrew Jackson has fallen 12 places (from #9 to #21) and Calvin Coolidge has dropped 7 spots
(from #27 to #34).

Examining the partisan and ideological differences among our respondents also indicates
some interesting dynamics. While partisanship and ideology don’t tend to make a major difference
overall, there are a few distinctions worth noting. For example, Republicans and Conservatives rank
1 Responses where respondent did not confirm they officially agreed to participate were dropped
and are not included in the submission figure. Similarly, in the event a respondent completed the
survey twice, the second submission was dropped, as was any submission where the respondent did
complete the questionnaire through the initial presidential greatness rating sections. Incomplete
submissions were otherwise included, with responses being analyzed for those questions where
answers were provided.

George Washington was ranked as the greatest president and James Buchanan as the least great. There are also
several presidents where partisan polarization is evident – Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Obama, and
Biden – but interestingly not for Bill Clinton."

Trumpers may take heart from the partisan separation regarding Trump. While historians who identified as Democrat ranked him 45th and last, Republican historians put him 43rd.
Yea...Moose is a hack sometimes.
Trump is second worst in my lifetime behind LBJ. Good that LBJ did the civil rights act but doesn’t come close to making up for the years of needless death and destruction of the VN war.
Besides civil rights would’ve evolved on its own eventually anyway.
Edit: third worst behind GWB. I just don’t see how one can be worse than starting a senseless war behind false pretenses. At least WIN your war.
Obama 7th best
Clinton 11th
Biden 14th
Reagan 16th
Trump dead last at 45th

Yea...Moose is a hack sometimes.
Unfortunately for Mr Trump, the Republican scholars did not help his low ranking, as he still came out in 41st place out of 45 among Republicans only. Among Democrat scholars, he placed 45th.

Trump is a loser. Expect multiple rants on Truth Social denying it along with Trump himself claiming he's not a "looser". Covfefe! :thup:
Trump is second worst in my lifetime behind LBJ. Good that LBJ did the civil rights act but doesn’t come close to making up for the years of needless death and destruction of the VN war.
Besides civil rights would’ve evolved on its own eventually anyway.
Edit: third worst behind GWB. I just don’t see how one can be worse than starting a senseless war behind false pretenses. At least WIN your war.

Agreed LBJ fucked up, but the Cold War was a shit show. The only thing good about it was that it wasn't a Hot War with the Soviets, PRC and the US emptying their nuclear arsenals at each other à la "On the Beach".