Obama ranked 7th greatest president

I always wondered if serendipshit is part of the secret resistance in Thailand
Your suspicions are justified since he often complains about American autocrats and oligarchs, often an oblique way of criticizing one's own oppressive leadership.

I've offered to give him and others guerrilla warfare tips via email. I've had a few responses but couldn't tell you who was asking. Mostly standard stuff; how to set up operations, ambush patrols to obtain weapons and hostages, blowing up police stations, etc.

For all I know, it was a sock of the Royal Thai Police. LOL
Are you going to donate or not? (And great post... seriously.... one of your finest moments ..;))

I have never donated to a political campaign.

Now, are you going to answer my questions? If you're too embarrassed, I understand. I would be, too.
I have never donated to a political campaign.

Now, are you going to answer my questions? If you're too embarrassed, I understand. I would be, too.
Cheapskate turn loose of some of that welfare check!
Obama was a great President. Like Biden, he inherited an economic mess from his predecessor, and led the longest peacetime recovery in modern American history.

And he was a calm, steady voice for the country - which is such a big part of the Presidency. He was a true leader.
Because it's worthless. 154 respondents :rofl4: It ranks Biden over Reagan :rofl3:

they polled .00000046% of Americans :rofl@:

Reagan ran a corrupt administration with more people in his admin being arrested than any other,https://en.wikipedia.o His Alzheimers kept him from being charged in Iran Contra./rg/wiki/Scandals_of_the_Ronald_Reagan_administration#:~:text=The%20presidency%20of%20Ronald%20Reagan,president%20of%20the%20United%20States.
They polled the expert scholars on the history of the presidency.

You seem to forget how much corruption and criminality were in Reagan's regime.

At this early stage in history, Biden is being credited for removing an incumbent sitting president who was a threat to the republic. That's aside from his historic legislation on infrastructure, climate change, and economic stimulus.

And ended the 20+ year war in Afghanistan. Oversaw record low unemployment and increased domestic oil production to historic levels. Decreased the cost of prescriptions and diabetic supplies; allowed Medicare to negotiate pricing.

Biden’s record and accomplishments are extremely positive
Obama was a great President. Like Biden, he inherited an economic mess from his predecessor, and led the longest peacetime recovery in modern American history.

And he was a calm, steady voice for the country - which is such a big part of the Presidency. He was a true leader.

Well said. He represented us in the eyes of the world with grace, intelligence, diplomacy, dignity, and class.

Contrast and compare to the Cheeto-color oaf that followed.
I think the fuel that causes Obama's meteoric rise into the top ten is that he saved the nation from a Second Great Republican Depression, created America's first program of universal healthcare, and he was right about invading Iraq.

Don't forget he was responsible for finding and killing the biggest terrorist on the planet and the mastermind of 9/11.
God Bless President Obama.
