Psychiatrist sees signs Biden was medicated for State of the Union performance

Oh no.... You pointed out what was obvious to everyone, now you're going to hear how much you "hate the nation"... and how you "hate democracy"...

If you think there's something wrong with the pResident and you point out obvious things that make you think so, you are "unamerican"...

So you're a doctor now? ROTFLMFAO!!! Dude, you get deeper and deeper in the bullshit every single day.
Where's the hard evidence? They found hard evidence in Biden's White House.
Exactly. Where's the hard evidence? You claim there was coke found, Trump staffers claim his administration was a pill factory.

Do you agree with me that all members of the White House and Congress should be subject to random drug and alcohol tests?

They pass laws requiring others to be tested. Shouldn't they fall under the same rules?
So you're a doctor now? ROTFLMFAO!!! Dude, you get deeper and deeper in the bullshit every single day.

Where did I say I was a doctor? That's all you my friend. There's nothing in my posts that makes that claim. Though I make it clear I am not ignoring what a doctor said and think what that doctor did say was something obvious to more than just myself, nobody but you and your vox stultitiae has ever tried to say I was a doctor.
Yes, there is. You are lying again. Biden was able to speak for over an hour with all the rude and crude interruptions by goofball Trumpys. You are back to that lie again.,

Enough YouTube videos already posted prove you are out of touch.
Exactly. Where's the hard evidence? You claim there was coke found, Trump staffers claim his administration was a pill factory.

Do you agree with me that all members of the White House and Congress should be subject to random drug and alcohol tests?

They pass laws requiring others to be tested. Shouldn't they fall under the same rules?

I didn't make that claim. The press did.

Yep. If anything not prescribed by a Dr, is found, can them.

I would say yes.
Where did I say I was a doctor? That's all you my friend. There's nothing in my posts that makes that claim. Though I make it clear I am not ignoring what a doctor said and think what that doctor did say was something obvious to more than just myself, nobody but you and your vox stultitiae has ever tried to say I was a doctor.

Con Artist is a truly odious SOB.
I didn't make that claim. The press did.

Yep. If anything not prescribed by a Dr, is found, can them.

I would say yes.
Nice to see you supporting the truthfulness of the MSM, Arbie. So now it's their fault that you are pushing their report. Got it.

Agreed although that presents a problem for elected officials. What do you think should be done about them?

Agreed again. The 14th Amendment provides equal treatment under the law. It's wrong to make laws that only apply to ordinary citizens and not elected officials.
Nice to see you supporting the truthfulness of the MSM, Arbie. So now it's their fault that you are pushing their report. Got it.

Agreed although that presents a problem for elected officials. What do you think should be done about them?

Agreed again. The 14th Amendment provides equal treatment under the law. It's wrong to make laws that only apply to ordinary citizens and not elected officials.

Was there coke found in Biden's White House, or not? What was found in Trump's?

It was addressed in my previous post. Read it.

If there's equal treatment, explain why Trump was charged and not Biden for having classified documents?
At least, Trump didn't let them lying around in 3 accessible places...
Was there coke found in Biden's White House, or not? What was found in Trump's?

It was addressed in my previous post. Read it.

If there's equal treatment, explain why Trump was charged and not Biden for having classified documents?
At least, Trump didn't let them lying around in 3 accessible places...

And he didn't hold them for decades... Biden's collection started in the 70s.
This. They too know it... They're just riding the high of him doing better than even they thought he would. I get that. When Trump uses some multi-syllabic words sometimes some righties get excited too.

You really are pathetic.

You have drank so much Maga kool-aid, about Biden being a zombie that i almost think you believe what you post.

About two weeks ago you claimed it IMPOSSIBLE to find a speech where Biden was coherent. I posted to you the last speech he made before your statement which was a pretty near perfect speech and you exclaimed 'OF COURSE that one is good but he is reading from a teleprompter, anyone can do that'. Which was NOT what you claimed just prior.

Then i posted for you his last prior Press conference where he was engaging with Reporters in back and forth and was pretty near perfect and you once you watched it and saw that, you did not want to reply again.

Now your position is 'he was so good, he must be on drugs'.

This is a 'No True Scotsman' form of fallacy where you are provided example after example of Biden speaking well and you simply claim those ones do not count...'insert reasons'.

And i bet you are not listening to any of Trumps recent speeches as he CANNOT get thru a speech of any length without many cognitive glitches. That is not hyperbole. They are constant and consistent now.
And he didn't hold them for decades... Biden's collection started in the 70s.
Bottom line, when he realized he wasn’t allowed to have them, by law, he cooperated and gave them back.

Trump could have avoided prosecution if he had given them back and not tried to hide them. Trump is not being prosecuted for the documents he returned.

I seriously hope they are revamping how documents are handled, it seems former politicians with classified documents is a regular occurrence these days.
If there's equal treatment, explain why Trump was charged and not Biden for having classified documents?

And he didn't hold them for decades... Biden's collection started in the 70s.
Once again you guys prove my signature because this question has been asked and answered a thousand times but you are so STUPID you cannot comprehend the answer. And i mean that, you simply cannot comprehend it, in the same way a 5 year old cannot comprehend calculus. It is beyond your intellect.

But here is the answer again as to why Biden and PENCE were not charged and Trump was. OBSTRUCTION.

OBSTRUCTION. The cover up is worse than the crime.

If you walk out of a store with an item you did not pay for and are stopped and immediately give it back and apologize saying you just forgot, you will likely not be charged. BUt if you refuse to give it back, try to hide it and deny you have it, forcing the security to stop you, take it from you and then citizen arrest you, you braindead simpletons would say 'why am i not getting the same treatment as the person who gave it back'.

NOw i have little hope you will comprehend what i wrote, but once again ASKED AND ANSWERED.
Where did I say I was a doctor? That's all you my friend. There's nothing in my posts that makes that claim. Though I make it clear I am not ignoring what a doctor said and think what that doctor did say was something obvious to more than just myself, nobody but you and your vox stultitiae has ever tried to say I was a doctor.

You claimed it was obvious he was on drugs, doc. It is impossible to take ou seriously as this point. Your takes hav become laughable and you ARE a Trumper.
Was there coke found in Biden's White House, or not? What was found in Trump's?

If there's equal treatment, explain why Trump was charged and not Biden for having classified documents?
At least, Trump didn't let them lying around in 3 accessible places...
Yes, in a bin at the entrance of a security checkpoint. Not to my knowledge.

Trump obstructed justice, both Pence and Biden fully cooperated. That’s the difference. It’s not the crime but the cover-up. If Trump had simply handed over the documents, there wouldn’t have been a problem. As it is, I think one reason he resisted handing them over is because he didn’t have them.

Bottom line, when he realized he wasn’t allowed to have them, by law, he cooperated and gave them back.

Trump could have avoided prosecution if he had given them back and not tried to hide them. Trump is not being prosecuted for the documents he returned.

I seriously hope they are revamping how documents are handled, it seems former politicians with classified documents is a regular occurrence these days.

Realized? Bullshit. He knew from the beginning he had them without warrant.

Do you really think they'd have left Trump off? Really? Yeah, OK :rolleyes:

Joe Biden speaking absolute nonsense with Don Lemon during CNN Town Hall. This is completely insane and unexplainable...

Question: How do you change the mistrust in the system among some members of the black community?

Joe Biden: "You got the vaccination? Are you okay? I mean, you seem… no, it works. Or you, you know... or the mom and dad, or the neighbor, or when you go to church, or when you’re... no, I really mean it."

"There are trusted interlocutors. Think of the people... if your kid wanted to find out whether or not there were... there’s a man on the moon, or whatever... you know, something, or, you know, whether those aliens are here or not... you know, who are the people they talk to beyond the kids who love talking about it?"

Joe Biden speaking absolute nonsense with Don Lemon during CNN Town Hall. This is completely insane and unexplainable...

Question: How do you change the mistrust in the system among some members of the black community?

Joe Biden: "You got the vaccination? Are you okay? I mean, you seem… no, it works. Or you, you know... or the mom and dad, or the neighbor, or when you go to church, or when you’re... no, I really mean it."

"There are trusted interlocutors. Think of the people... if your kid wanted to find out whether or not there were... there’s a man on the moon, or whatever... you know, something, or, you know, whether those aliens are here or not... you know, who are the people they talk to beyond the kids who love talking about it?"
No coherent train of thought. None.