Opinion: Why we’re having less sex


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Americans are a stunningly lonely bunch. Our decline in friendships and social time began before the pandemic, but was badly exacerbated by it. We live more of our lives online and behind a screen, with many people now working from home, schoolchildren learning online and scores of us engaging with our peers on social media more than we do in real life.

At the same time, our in-person social connections have frayed. Fewer adults are getting married or living with a partner and fewer have children, which wouldn’t be a bad thing if those deep ties were being replicated by other relationships, but they’re not; Americans have fewer friends than we did a decade and a half ago, while our families shrink, too.

Attendance at places of worship and old-school social clubs is also way down — again, not a problem if there were other institutions taking the place of these old spaces of gathering and sometimes of philosophical and moral inquiry, but there aren’t. Yes, a few people have found groups like running clubs, soccer leagues and spiritual retreats, but none of these have been the social forces that old institutions were in terms of allowing for socialization across the lines of age and class (if not so much of belief or race).

There are good reasons why these institutions – church, marriage, the nuclear family – are on the decline. They often imposed suffocating and even bigoted rules, for women especially. Some have historically excluded entire classes of people – LGBTQ+ people most obviously, but many religious groups were also unwelcoming to African Americans or other minority groups.

Women still cannot hold top positions in many religious institutions, and so many have understandably rejected these misogynistic formal patriarchies. But something has been lost, too, in our collective move away from the communal. And while we are individually freer than ever – an obvious and unalloyed good – we are also profoundly lonely.

But just because religious attendance has declined doesn’t mean that religious ideas have died. And one particularly old-school one is coming up again in our increasingly atomized, antisocial culture: celibacy.

Sex itself is less common among the usually-raring-to-go young than it’s been in decades. Researchers have not agreed on why this is happening, but theories abound, including the fact that young people have less unstructured time and spend less of the time they do have simply hanging out with friends, which probably makes for few opportunities for sex.

My personal theory is that social decline plays a primary role and is helped along by more feminist, empowered young women looking at a pool of young men whose sexual mindsets have been shaped by years of online porn and video games. When things like sexual choking become accepted – a dangerous act that can cause permanent brain damage – it’s not difficult to grasp why young women who feel empowered to say no decide to do exactly that.

This is not exactly feminist progress. If young women do indeed feel freer to opt out of sex they don’t want, that’s great. But it’s not clear that’s actually what’s driving the current sexual decline. And most women desire sex, too, and deserve to have sex that feels good. That too many heterosexual men seemingly can’t or won’t deliver it is a problem.

This doesn’t mean everyone needs to be having sex all the time. American society is at once hypersexual and puritanical: We are a nation where sexually explicit advertising is pervasive and used to sell everything from cat food to drain cleaner, and also where more than a dozen states have banned abortion. With the stunning successes of the anti-abortion movement, and with threats to contraception access as well, heterosexual sex can feel more perilous than ever.


It is rather funny that guys think they are great lovers and women think they are just another vibrator with dead batteries. I hear it all the time. Women just laugh at ‘real men’ and how they perform and behave.
It probably has to do with the decline in testosterone levels in men.

Decline in testosterone levels in men.

According to various studies, there has been a significant decline in testosterone levels in men over the past few decades. This decline has been observed in men of different age groups, including adolescent and young adult men.
Studies have shown:
  • A substantial drop in U.S. men’s testosterone levels since the 1980s, with average levels declining by about 1% per year (Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2007).
  • A decline in testosterone levels among U.S. men from 1987-1999 to 2002-2004, with the decrease in testosterone concentrations being independent of age (Generational decline in testosterone levels observed, 2023).
  • A decline in mean testosterone levels over the past two decades, with testosterone levels being lower with progressively higher body mass index (Decline in Serum Testosterone Levels Among Adolescent and Young Adult Men in the USA, 2020).
  • A decline in testosterone levels among adolescent and young adult men (AYA) from 1999 to 2016, with the decline observed even among men with normal body mass index (Testosterone levels show steady decrease among young US men, 2020).
Factors contributing to the decline:
  • Changes in lifestyle and health indices, such as body weight gain and smoking cessation (Secular trends in testosterone- findings from a large state-mandate care provider, 2020).
  • Aging, with testosterone levels declining about 1% per year after age 30 (Testosterone Levels by Age: Normal Levels, Low T Signs, Women & More, 2023).
  • Comorbidities, such as diabetes, which may contribute to the decline in testosterone levels (Testosterone levels show steady decrease among young US men, 2020).
The decline in testosterone levels in men is a significant public health concern, with multiple factors contributing to this decline. Further research is needed to understand the underlying causes and to develop effective interventions to address this issue.
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It is rather funny that guys think they are great lovers and women think they are just another vibrator with dead batteries. I hear it all the time. Women just laugh at ‘real men’ and how they perform and behave.
It's not that complicated.
American women just avoid men who aren't generous with cunnilingus.
It probably has to do with the decline in testosterone levels in men.

Decline in testosterone levels in men.

According to various studies, there has been a significant decline in testosterone levels in men over the past few decades. This decline has been observed in men of different age groups, including adolescent and young adult men.
Studies have shown:
  • A substantial drop in U.S. men’s testosterone levels since the 1980s, with average levels declining by about 1% per year (Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2007).
  • A decline in testosterone levels among U.S. men from 1987-1999 to 2002-2004, with the decrease in testosterone concentrations being independent of age (Generational decline in testosterone levels observed, 2023).
  • A decline in mean testosterone levels over the past two decades, with testosterone levels being lower with progressively higher body mass index (Decline in Serum Testosterone Levels Among Adolescent and Young Adult Men in the USA, 2020).
  • A decline in testosterone levels among adolescent and young adult men (AYA) from 1999 to 2016, with the decline observed even among men with normal body mass index (Testosterone levels show steady decrease among young US men, 2020).
Factors contributing to the decline:
  • Changes in lifestyle and health indices, such as body weight gain and smoking cessation (Secular trends in testosterone- findings from a large state-mandate care provider, 2020).
  • Aging, with testosterone levels declining about 1% per year after age 30 (Testosterone Levels by Age: Normal Levels, Low T Signs, Women & More, 2023).
  • Comorbidities, such as diabetes, which may contribute to the decline in testosterone levels (Testosterone levels show steady decrease among young US men, 2020).
The decline in testosterone levels in men is a significant public health concern, with multiple factors contributing to this decline. Further research is needed to understand the underlying causes and to develop effective interventions to address this issue.
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That explains MAGAts; Fat smokers. The same idiots who supported Big Tobacco.

Then there's this:

It's not that complicated.
American women just avoid men who aren't generous with cunnilingus.
Then how would they find that out? Maybe they just are better at picking up the toxic masculinity red flags. I know a lot of attractive women that are harassed on the daily. Maybe they’ve decided the bs isn’t worth it.
It probably has to do with the decline in testosterone levels in men.

Decline in testosterone levels in men.

According to various studies, there has been a significant decline in testosterone levels in men over the past few decades. This decline has been observed in men of different age groups, including adolescent and young adult men.
Studies have shown:
  • A substantial drop in U.S. men’s testosterone levels since the 1980s, with average levels declining by about 1% per year (Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2007).
  • A decline in testosterone levels among U.S. men from 1987-1999 to 2002-2004, with the decrease in testosterone concentrations being independent of age (Generational decline in testosterone levels observed, 2023).
  • A decline in mean testosterone levels over the past two decades, with testosterone levels being lower with progressively higher body mass index (Decline in Serum Testosterone Levels Among Adolescent and Young Adult Men in the USA, 2020).
  • A decline in testosterone levels among adolescent and young adult men (AYA) from 1999 to 2016, with the decline observed even among men with normal body mass index (Testosterone levels show steady decrease among young US men, 2020).
Factors contributing to the decline:
  • Changes in lifestyle and health indices, such as body weight gain and smoking cessation (Secular trends in testosterone- findings from a large state-mandate care provider, 2020).
  • Aging, with testosterone levels declining about 1% per year after age 30 (Testosterone Levels by Age: Normal Levels, Low T Signs, Women & More, 2023).
  • Comorbidities, such as diabetes, which may contribute to the decline in testosterone levels (Testosterone levels show steady decrease among young US men, 2020).
The decline in testosterone levels in men is a significant public health concern, with multiple factors contributing to this decline. Further research is needed to understand the underlying causes and to develop effective interventions to address this issue.
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It appears those factors align perfectly with male MAGA supporters.
Then how would they find that out? Maybe they just are better at picking up the toxic masculinity red flags. I know a lot of attractive women that are harassed on the daily. Maybe they’ve decided the bs isn’t worth it.

It appears those factors align perfectly with male MAGA supporters.
You are trolling.
You are trolling.
No. I am noting the similarity in demographic. The fact is that states that supported Trump are more obese and less healthy. And Trump supporters are old and male. You just aren’t intelligent enough to make that connection. Dutch and myself both noted the irony. Next?
No. I am noting the similarity in demographic. The fact is that states that supported Trump are more obese and less healthy. And Trump supporters are old and male. You just aren’t intelligent enough to make that connection. Dutch and myself both noted the irony. Next?
You are making this shit up our your ass and commiserating with another miserable poster.
We are literally living out the handmaid's tale.
Yes and no. That IS what MAGA wants but it appears that women are fighting back. At the ballot box AND in the court of public opinion. Liz Cheney. Cassidy Hutchinson. E. Jean Carroll. Stormy Daniels. Ruby Freeman. Shaye Moss. There are many others and they intend to VOTE. This is about more than Trump. They are women, and in November you will hear them roar.
You are trolling.
No. I am noting the similarity in demographic. The fact is that states that supported Trump are more obese and less healthy. And Trump supporters are old and male. You just aren’t intelligent enough to make that connection. Dutch and myself both noted the irony. Next?
Notice that, besides lower testosterone, MAGAts demonstrate their mental degradation by repeating themselves and drooling.
You are trolling.