Tell Someone To ‘Kill Themselves” And You Could End Up In Jail


Let It Burn!

Clearly anyone who tells someone to do this needs help, but so does the victim who obeys the command.

It’s tragic all the way around. Both of these young people needed help.

Youths should consider that by telling someone to ‘kill themselves’ that they can be arrested and could face jail time.

They should think about how very mean and cruel this is, not to mention extremely wrong!

If you don’t like someone, no need to befriend them and certainly wrong to harass them in any way, show acts of cruelty or give orders to ‘kill themself.’


Clearly anyone who tells someone to do this needs help, but so does the victim who obeys the command.

It’s tragic all the way around. Both of these young people needed help.

Youths should consider that by telling someone to ‘kill themselves’ that they can be arrested and could face jail time.

They should think about how very mean and cruel this is, not to mention extremely wrong!

If you don’t like someone, no need to befriend them and certainly wrong to harass them in any way, show acts of cruelty or give orders to ‘kill themself.’

You didn't read the article did you?

"Thousands of texts..."

Was on the phone with boyfriend as he committed suicide and she encouraged him to "finish it."

Bullying went on for prolonged period.

This wasn't some casual insult or one-off thing. She hectored this guy into committing suicide and then assisted in making sure he carried it through.
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You didn't read the article did you?

"Thousands of texts..."

Was on the phone with boyfriend as he committed suicide and she encouraged him to "finish it."

Bullying went on for prolonged period.

This wasn't some casual insult or one-off thing. She hectored this guy into committing suicide and then assisted in making sure he carried it through.
That changes nothing. Just thought a little reminder might be good in a place like this.

Clearly anyone who tells someone to do this needs help, but so does the victim who obeys the command.

It’s tragic all the way around. Both of these young people needed help.

Youths should consider that by telling someone to ‘kill themselves’ that they can be arrested and could face jail time.

They should think about how very mean and cruel this is, not to mention extremely wrong!

If you don’t like someone, no need to befriend them and certainly wrong to harass them in any way, show acts of cruelty or give orders to ‘kill themself.’


Is it illegal to tell a person to kill themselves (over the internet) and can you get arrested/fined for it?​

Ok, so a few months ago I had messaged someone over an app called kik messenger. It was someone I knew in person, but they didn't know the person messaging them was me. As awful as this is, I messaged her just to be a bully basically, for personal reasons between her and I. I had insulted her many times and said things to her that weren't very nice to say the least. I had told her to kill herself multiple times, and things such as that. I don't know if this matters, but at some points I'd go into detail (for example, telling her get a noose, razor, ect.) And she had said she was going to go to police with it, and I heard that her mother actually did go to the police with it.
Will I go to jail, or get into any trouble? Also, I'm not sure if my age matters here, but I'm fourteen years old.

You need to speak to an attorney in person and in private. Now would be a good time to tell your parents you may be in trouble here.

It is not necessarily illegal to tell someone to go kill themselves. However, it is illegal, through words or conduct, to cause a person to fear for his or her physical safety. The nature of the messages that may have been sent in this case could do just that. It is also illegal to harass people via telecommunications.

Your age will matter in the sense that your case, if one arises, will be in juvenile court and everybody is going to be a lot more interested in helping you than locking you up.