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The best available evidence shows that mask-wearing can help reduce spread of COVID-19 infections, keep waves of serious illness from overburdening our hospitals, and save lives — possibly even yours.
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Masks save lives: Here's what you need to know - Harvard Health
Do be sure and wear your mask so everybody knows what a fucking idiot you are! :LOL:
The black plague was exacerbated by poor hygiene at that time in history and spread by vermin. The Spanish Flu had some similarities to today. Masking was a major culprit as well as a combination of lesser hygienic standards compared to today. Also vaccinating during a pandemic is not recommended, it only drives variants and thereby quickly becomes ineffective and prolongs the pandemic.
10,000 kinds of horseshit.

“Debilitating a Generation”: Expert Warns That Long COVID May Eventually Affect Most Americans
The more who get the mRNA and viral vector vaccines and boosters, the more ailments of various types will be generated. And of course the mysterious long covid will be common.
I did, and it was more than $9k for each Covid patient. :BKick:
This is the way it worked, stupid fuck. Hospitals were reimbursed more for MEDICARE patients TREATED for COVID. Not for just “tagging” them, whatever the fuck that means.

The notion that doctors and hospitals were intentionally diagnosing COVID for extra profit os pure conspiratorial bullshit. The hospitals were overwhelmed as it was, without adding more to their load.

And, as far as the intubation bullshit, intubation was used as a last resort, when the patient was unable to breathe on their own. That intubation killed them is another fucking lie you idiots buy.
This is the way it worked, stupid fuck. Hospitals were reimbursed more for MEDICARE patients TREATED for COVID. Not for just “tagging” them, whatever the fuck that means.

The notion that doctors and hospitals were intentionally diagnosing COVID for extra profit os pure conspiratorial bullshit. The hospitals were overwhelmed as it was, without adding more to their load.

And, as far as the intubation bullshit, intubation was used as a last resort, when the patient was unable to breathe on their own. That intubation killed them is another fucking lie you idiots buy.
The Remdesivir they gave the Covid patients gave a high percentage of them kidney failure and the lungs filled up with fluid. Remdesivir was a failed Ebola drug and the USA had tons of unused product. So then they put them on the breathing machine and the toe tag Covid was the result. Cash for murder....
The Remdesivir they gave the Covid patients gave a high percentage of them kidney failure and the lungs filled up with fluid. Remdesivir was a failed Ebola drug and the USA had tons of unused product. So then they put them on the breathing machine and the toe tag Covid was the result. Cash for murder....
No, not anything like a “high percentage of them kidney failure”. Not even close. In fact, the jury is still out on the entire issue, with studies indicating little risk and others indicating some. NONE with your “high percentage”. The recommendation is that if a person already has reduced kidney function, they not be treated with Remdesivir.

The fact is, pally boy, that drug was used to treat ACTIVE COVID patients, which were most often the unvaccinated in the first place. COVID also caused pulmonary problems such as pneumonia, Cletus. You know, lungs filling with fluid.

You really should let this one go. You embarrass yourself with your public display of ignorance.