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The OP wrote :
Do you know anyone who has died of Covid, JUST Covid alone?
Do you know anyone who has been injured or died of the Covid jab?

I believe he thinks that a Covid death only counts if there are no other diagnoses on the death certificate. Example, if someone goes to the hospital with Covid and dies because the virus caused their heart and lungs to give out, they didn't really die from Covid.
Reverse shit much?!
The common knowledge is that it did not prevent the spread. It had high efficacy in preventing one from getting COVID, as well as lessening the symptoms when they did. So, dumbfuck, when the symptoms are absent or very mild, there is no need for any antiviral.
If the jab was effective at all, it was fir a very short period. After that time it made the jab recipients more likely to acquire any Covid variant....shit stain!
Public health officials and virologists know more than a professional pontificator or whatever the fuck the OP claims to be. Vaccines work. Covid killed people. Anyone who believes otherwise is too stupid to engage with. Period. Full stop.

it's not even a vaccine. its experimental gene therapy.

go fuck yourself. your murder regime is over, Adolf.
it didn't stop the spread, didn't stop people from contracting, and killed some people all on it's own because it's a mad scientist Nazi gene modification experiment.

AND the government funded creating the disease in China.
Stop it? Of course not, you fucking idiot. It merely saved millions of lives. The up side was that it became a killer by demographics. The unvaccinated in this country were often Trumpers.
Stop it? Of course not, you fucking idiot. It merely saved millions of lives. The up side was that it became a killer by demographics. The unvaccinated in this country were often Trumpers.

it killed because it's a strange nazi gene therapy.

the unvaccinated are also known as "smart ones".

you're a dumb idiot for a taking a nazi jab.
That is the stupidest post of the day. And for this forum, that is certainly an amazing effort you made.

You are insanely retarded.

You have utterly no capacity for thought, do you? You are programmed with hating points by MSNBC and simply lack any ability to process information.

Not that this will have any impact on you, you are a drone controlled by the hive mind - but for those who DO have functioning brains;

Note the date. They KNEW that intubation would kill the patient - way back in early 2021. Yet they continued to pay bonuses (bounties) to hospitals to intubate patients.
Reverse shit much?!

Even NIH has admitted that intubation is basically a death sentence for those with Covid. But obviously the hive has not reprogrammed the drones to know this.

(Obviously I'm speaking of Dumber - not you - just piggybacking on your reply.)
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If the jab was effective at all, it was fir a very short period. After that time it made the jab recipients more likely to acquire any Covid variant....shit stain!

It's the nature of mRNA. It is not a vaccine. And that's why it doesn't work.

This is an RNA sequencer. It targets a specific RNA pattern in the virus. The problem is viruses mutate - in the case of corona viruses - daily - hourly. It is the propensity of corona to mutate that attracted Fauci and the Chinese to it. An easy virus to manipulate, to weaponize.

So the mRNA sequencers will be effective against the specific RNA sequence they are programmed to fight. Tomorrow, or next week, when the virus mutates, even slightly, the mRNA sequencer will fail. The so-called "boosters" are not boosters at all, they don't boost limphoblyst cells the way an actual booster from a vaccine would do. They simply add new patterns of variations on the virus. If you are a good democrat and have all 7 "boosters" you now have 8 total patterns the mRNA sequencer will recognize and react to - out of potentially 3 million variants.

Studies will show that the "jab" works against the sequence it's designed for - and it does. But that isn't relevant to the real world. The shot provides virtually no protection. And as noted has potentially serious side effects.
Nope, that’s more horseshit you’ve bought.

Why aren't those that didn't take the shot dead? Your party said anyone who didn't take it would die - why didn't we? In fact, why did more people who DID take it die from Covid?

There is still a fucktarded Commie on this board who has his Avie mocking those who didn't take it claiming we will die. So, why did the opposite happen?

I thought your party was infallible? The only source of truth? That the party is never wrong, which is why you never question the party and become angry if others do?