People keep reporting rule 16 wrongly...

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Staff member
So, I will put it here for folks to read... likely I updated it before the migration but didn't announce it or something. I'm putting it here, I have bolded and italicized the portion that folks probably don't know about...


16. Quote Box Altering:

One can alter a quote box by removing some of a wall of text to expose the specific part you are responding to, or splitting it apart so you can respond to each item one at a time. However, altering the words posted and changing the meaning of what they said for whatever reason (a joke for instance) is not allowed unless you either change the "quoted by" portion of the quote to make it clear that the original poster did not post what you are "making" them say or if you leave the original text with a strikethrough and a "correction" and inform that you have "corrected" the quote in your response to it (something like "fixed that for you" or FTFY will do fine). We will begin by deleting these posts, and if it continues we will get into banning. I will update this rule with changes until it settles in.
There's 2, you can't alter quotes with the real name if you alter anything, you can cut to the chase,

or you can make it a fake name and Trolololo it up!
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