People keep reporting rule 16 wrongly...

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I'm a pathetic loser who is jealous of someone else because they could get a degree I could never imagine being able to complete.

Don't feel bad about yourself, Cypress. I've seen so many people like you and I always feel kinda sorry for them because the PhD wasn't all that hard to get.

Besides: You're too old at this point to be carrying that kind of grudge around. What are you? 60? Seriously sad pathetic loser intellectual wannabe at 60 whining about other people's university achievements.

That's actually kinda sad.
The reason Rule 16 is confusing is because the liberal mind can't understand things very well. Particularly if it's written and loquacious.

Thus they abuse it continually but get away with it because the conservative mind isn't whiney and snitchy.
That, and they have a moderator who gives them a pass.
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