4 kids killed outside Atlanta.

Come up with a solution or shut up, bitch.
Armed guards at schools working in pairs, one high and one on the ground.. Common fucking sense but not to people without any.

Schools are only open one shift per day so compared to our endless spending on wars the cost would be minimal.

Either we get serious about solving this in a realistic way or just keep flapping our jaws and blaming guns.

Probably pay for it on a local level by eliminating a DEI position from the schools.

Of course this was just on time for another false flag from the commies.
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Any suggestions?
Obviously gun control is necessary, but that's not going to happen. The NRA bought the Republican party, and its brain dead voters are too stupid to realize that they've been manipulated.

What should be easier to achieve is dedicating attention, resources, and compassion toward mental health. This kind of horrific violence only occurs in the US. Of course, most Americans have never been more than 100 miles away from where they were born let alone overseas. Many Americans are ignorant, isolated, and undeservedly "proud" because they have no context and no worldly experience.

The modern age has created anonymity and isolation unlike any other time in human history. People who are lonely and unknown sometimes react with violence. Consequences don't deter desperation. If people looked up from their phones and computer screens every once in a while to notice the people around them, offer them kindness, and observe if they seem disturbed, we might start to restore humanity in the human condition.
Armed guards at schools working in pairs, one high and one on the ground.. Common fucking sense but not to people without any.

Schools are only open one shift per day so compared to our endless spending on wars the cost would be minimal.

Either we get serious about solving this in a realistic way or just keep flapping our jaws and blaming guns.

Probably pay for it on a local level by eliminating a DEI position from the schools.

Of course this was just on time for another false flag from the commies.
Kamala in 2019 said we can't have cops in schools while on her defund the police circuit.

I imagine this will be another flip flop if the press happens to get around to asking her
Armed guards at schools working in pairs, one high and one on the ground.. Common fucking sense but not to people without any.

Schools are only open one shift per day so compared to our endless spending on wars the cost would be minimal.

Either we get serious about solving this in a realistic way or just keep flapping our jaws and blaming guns.

Probably pay for it on a local level by eliminating a DEI position from the schools.

Of course this was just on time for another false flag from the commies.
What are the odds that an armed person doesn't happen to walk by the guard on the ground when they enter the campus? What is a roof sniper going to do inside a building?