4 kids killed outside Atlanta.

What are the odds that an armed person doesn't happen to walk by the guard on the ground when they enter the campus? What is a roof sniper going to do inside a building?
If you have metal detectors not very big. The ground man supervises the entry way until the students are inside. Then goes about roaming the halls. Bigger schools may need 4 or maybe 6 guards. Again working one shift, five days a week. Or maybe one high and 2-3 on the ground.

Just knowing that they will have to deal with an armed guard first before shooting other kids will be a powerful deterrent first and foremost.

The elevated guard is watching for unauthorized personnel while school is in session. You work out the details but the concept is you guard our most precious commodity. We guard banks right? Many countries have private security at 7-11 stores.

Anyone who believes this won't work is an abject fool because it will and it's the only way. The fantasy of taking our guns is what's in the way of actually solving this problem or at least mitigating it to a very tiny issue.
If you have metal detectors not very big. The ground man supervises the entry way until the students are inside. The goes about roaming the halls. Bigger schools may need 4 or maybe 6 guards. Again working one shift, five days a week. Or maybe one high and 2-3 on the ground.

Just knowing that they will have to deal with an armed guard first before shooting other kids will be a powerful deterrent first and foremost.

The elevated guard is watching for unauthorized personnel while school is in session. You work out the details but the concept is you guard our most precious commodity. We guard banks right? Many countries have private security at 7-11 stores.

Anyone who believes this won't work is an abject fool because it will and it's the only way. The fantasy of taking our guns is what's in the way of actually solving this problem or at least mitigating it to a very tiny issue.
"The" entry way? How many schools in the country do you think have a single point of entry?

I didn't say your fed-to-you solution (by the NRA through your intravenous drip of bullshit) wouldn't "work". I believe it would "help", but it will not "fix" the problem.

Ask yourself, seriously, why a half dozen armed, paid security guards have never been necessary on school campuses until recently. What has changed in the 247-year history of this country?

No one who matters wants to take away your guns. Again, you are completely brainwashed by the NRA and its bought bitch, the Republican party, and you can't even notice it.
Bullying is a necessary social adjustment on dorks. The bullied has choices.
1. Stand up to the bully. Tlhis almost always works. Even if the bullied get his ass kicked he gains the respect of the bully.
2. Getting bullied should be a wakeup call. The bullied should take steps to learn self defense.
3. Do nothing, remain a dork and he's in for a miserable life.
"The" entry way? How many schools in the country do you think have a single point of entry?

I didn't say your fed-to-you solution (by the NRA through your intravenous drip of bullshit) wouldn't "work". I believe it would "help", but it will not "fix" the problem.

Ask yourself, seriously, why a half dozen armed, paid security guards have never been necessary on school campuses until recently. What has changed in the 247-year history of this country?

No one who matters wants to take away your guns. Again, you are completely brainwashed by the NRA and its bought bitch, the Republican party, and you can't even notice it.
NO one has spoon fed me this. I thought about the problem and came up with the solution myself.

As I said I don't really care to solve the why now aspect of it until measures are taken to secure the schools from the what. I have my ideas as to why now but that's just getting off in the weeds from this discussion which you seem to be trying to do.

Number of entry points are easy to modify and control. That's just another bullshit excuse to do nothing.

I am not a member of the NRA but I see the attempts to disarm me. Here in Oregon laws have been passed banning large capacity magazines, which is right there on the slippery slope. They want a gun registration too. I don't need to register a constitutional right.

Do you have a better solution? Let's hear it then?

Go try to get into a prison and shoot it up
There is no way in the universe to prevent every single mass shooter from "getting in" to a school campus, you spectacularly stupid fuck.

If school entry was the cause of school shootings, then every person who enters a school would commit a mass shooting. Please ask someone near you to tell you how fucking stupid you are for misunderstanding your own illogic.