4 kids killed outside Atlanta.

No school is ever going to be 100% safe...Secure entry

Go try to get into a prison and shoot it up
No situation is 100% safe...but secure entry is important... People have mentioned many other issues that can be addressed...
I'm just getting home now, so I'm just beginning to get details...just horrific...
Obviously gun control is necessary, but that's not going to happen. The NRA bought the Republican party, and its brain dead voters are too stupid to realize that they've been manipulated.

What should be easier to achieve is dedicating attention, resources, and compassion toward mental health. This kind of horrific violence only occurs in the US. Of course, most Americans have never been more than 100 miles away from where they were born let alone overseas. Many Americans are ignorant, isolated, and undeservedly "proud" because they have no context and no worldly experience.

The modern age has created anonymity and isolation unlike any other time in human history. People who are lonely and unknown sometimes react with violence. Consequences don't deter desperation. If people looked up from their phones and computer screens every once in a while to notice the people around them, offer them kindness, and observe if they seem disturbed, we might start to restore humanity in the human condition.
There are over 20,000 local, state, and federal gun control laws on the books now. It should be obvious that gun control doesn't work.

There are certainly mental health issues that need to be looked at, but you are incorrect stating that this only happens in the US.
Every person who enters a school is not going to commit a mass shooting...What an absurd thing to suggest...
Many schools these days have one point of entry...it's not unusual...and it's secured in several different ways, depending on the time of day....
NO one has spoon fed me this. I thought about the problem and came up with the solution myself.
Yet SmarterthanYou said the exact same thing. Neither of you comprehend that you've been mid controlled.
As I said I don't really care to solve the why now aspect of it until measures are taken to secure the schools from the what. I have my ideas as to why now but that's just getting off in the weeds from this discussion which you seem to be trying to do.
You don't solve a problem without understanding why the problem exists, you fucking moron. It isn't "getting off in the weeds" to comprehend the purpose of a discussion underway. If you have ideas, share them.
Number of entry points are easy to modify and control. That's just another bullshit excuse to do nothing.
No, they aren't. How many schools have you seen? When is the last time you were on a campus? That is the most ignorant thing you've said so far.
I am not a member of the NRA but I see the attempts to disarm me. Here in Oregon laws have been passed banning large capacity magazines, which is right there on the slippery slope. They want a gun registration too. I don't need to register a constitutional right.
Parrot parrot.
Do you have a better solution? Let's hear it then?
I said what I think we should do in post 26.
There are over 20,000 local, state, and federal gun control laws on the books now. It should be obvious that gun control doesn't work.

There are certainly mental health issues that need to be looked at, but you are incorrect stating that this only happens in the US.
Maybe ineffective gun control doesn't work.

No, I'm not. There is no other country on Earth that sees the level of gun violence in civil society to the extent that the US does. Ask yourself why.
Bullying is a necessary social adjustment on dorks. The bullied has choices.
1. Stand up to the bully. Tlhis almost always works. Even if the bullied get his ass kicked he gains the respect of the bully.
2. Getting bullied should be a wakeup call. The bullied should take steps to learn self defense.
3. Do nothing, remain a dork and he's in for a miserable life.
Doesn't work on the mentally ill.
They have the shooter in custody...14 years old? but whoever did this is not mentally stable...There had to be red flags...
Maybe ineffective gun control doesn't work.

No, I'm not. There is no other country on Earth that sees the level of gun violence in civil society to the extent that the US does. Ask yourself why.
give us an effective gun control law that doesn't infringe on the rights of the people

now you're moving the goal post. you state that this ONLY happens in the US. NOW you're adding a qualifier of 'this level'.

maybe you should slow down and think about the exact words you should post before posting.
I've been dealing with schools and kids and guns for a very long time...many of us have... No one has a perfect answer... We all
just have to do our best to protect our families...our schools... our communities.. our country... How do we rid the world of evil and hate? Of despair and desperation? Why do people kill? You can
Take away guns... You can put a hundred more rules in place... We've got to people problem to solve... not a gun problem... My heart is broken for the victims their families...and the teachers.......I haven't seen details yet... I'm sure we will be discussing it tomorrow... Something I never looked forward to of course...
I dealt with gun deaths when I was teaching but never on a mass scale...an empty seat is pretty devastating...
Correct. The answer is to harden the schools and train the teachers. Ohio oddly enough is the epicenter for training teachers.
The course os solid.

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Start charging the parents for these crimes their kids are committing and they will start handling their guns more carefully. Lock em up!
if you're reading this, I'm talking to you...;)
We can find out how these kids get the guns...but it's more important to find out why they're looking for one to kill others...