4 kids killed outside Atlanta.

Another school shooting in America. Better crank up the "Thotz-n-Prayerz" machine.

At this point America now has about as many guns as individuals in the country, maybe more. But I bet we'd all be safer if we had MORE guns in circulation. That way MORE good guys would have access to guns to stop all the criminals who find it easier to get ahold of guns here than anywhere else on the planet.

I'm guessing the families of the most RECENT mass slaughter in our schools will be proud to know that their darling children were mown down such that a few could own as many guns as they can afford. A healthy Second Amendment is the important bit. Sometimes the Second Amendment needs a little "juice" (aka blood) to keep it fresh.
my guess is, he's talking to the fucking idiot who said securing entry to schools wouldn't stop people from killing people in schools.......

I LOVE the fact that your vision of a GOOD future is to turn every single public space into an armed encampment.

So long as no one touches the sacred GUN.
I LOVE the fact that your vision of a GOOD future is to turn every single public space into an armed encampment.
and the vision of the left is to defund the police, release violent offenders without bail and watch them rape and murder children......end gang violence and you eliminate 90% of homicides.......
We're always talking about the problem.... And working to keep schools and communities safe...You're always just complaining... That does get old
The NRA script, which is being posted over and over here, is a lie. Guns are the problem. As long as we have so many and allow them to be bought and sold, right wingers will get them and feel tough.
Work to keep communities and schools safe? Take away the fucking guns, and the problem solved. I know that logic will elude you.
The NRA script, which is being posted over and over here, is a lie. Guns are the problem. As long as we have so many and allow them to be bought and sold, right wingers will get them and feel tough.
Work to keep communities and schools safe? Take away the fucking guns, and the problem solved. I know that logic will elude you.
You are a part of the problem if you really believe that...
There were 29 that had a higher rate in 2019. So you're saying the U.S. moved to #1 in 5 yrs.? I'm sure you must have a link to that statistic.
View attachment 30995

Ummmm, dude, you are comparing the US with nations that have ZERO in common with the US. Their economy, their size, their governance, etc.

Try comparing against actual countries that are peers of the US. The developed world.

The numbers are pretty jarring. We lead the pack in gun ownership and gun homicide rates.
The NRA script, which is being posted over and over here, is a lie. Guns are the problem. As long as we have so many and allow them to be bought and sold, right wingers will get them and feel tough.
Work to keep communities and schools safe? Take away the fucking guns, and the problem solved. I know that logic will elude you.


But America was founded to be the a safe haven for guns, gun ethusiasts and gun criminals. All three thrive here. We set it up that way and we LIKE it that way.

I don't have any kids but I'm SURE the families that lose their kids in school shootings are happy that the Second Amendment exists so that gun enthusiasts can have as many guns as they can possibly get their hands on with no real oversight.

The DREAM of turning every school, grocery store, theater, church and public space into an armed encampment is kind of the American Dream now.
Ummmm, dude, you are comparing the US with nations that have ZERO in common with the US. Their economy, their size, their governance, etc.

Try comparing against actual countries that are peers of the US. The developed world.

The numbers are pretty jarring. We lead the pack in gun ownership and gun homicide rates.
There is no other country on Earth that sees the level of gun violence in civil society to the extent that the US does.
Try to keep up.

Harris goes off script to address Georgia school shooting: ‘It does not have to be this way’​

Sadly, Ms. Harris is mistaken. This is EXACTLY how it has to be in America. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights is not just a good form of government but it's also a suicide pact.

We want the Second Amendment apparently the only way we get that is if hundreds of children get gunned down every year.

But it's a small price to pay for such an incredible right. A right that doesn't even really have any RESPONSIBILITY OR SAFETY REQUIREMENTS or OVERSIGHT or anything! JUST MORE GUNS! GUNS GUNS GUNS! All Guns all the time!

I bet if you asked any of the family of Sandy Hook, Newtown, Uvalde, Parkland, Columbine if they think the trade was worth it I bet they'd say "Hell to the yeah!"

MORE GUNS = MORE SAFE (Conditions apply)
I've been dealing with schools and kids and guns for a very long time...many of us have... No one has a perfect answer... We all
just have to do our best to protect our families...our schools... our communities.. our country... How do we rid the world of evil and hate? Of despair and desperation? Why do people kill? You can
Take away guns... You can put a hundred more rules in place... We've got to people problem to solve... not a gun problem... My heart is broken for the victims their families...and the teachers.......I haven't seen details yet... I'm sure we will be discussing it tomorrow... Something I never looked forward to of course...
I dealt with gun deaths when I was teaching but never on a mass scale...an empty seat is pretty devastating...

You vote for Hatred! You vote for more GUNS. You vote for the side that DOES NOT CARE ABOUT SCHOOL SHOOTINGS.

You vote for the man who said after a Public School Shooting on his watch- "People need to just get over it"!
give us an effective gun control law that doesn't infringe on the rights of the people

now you're moving the goal post. you state that this ONLY happens in the US. NOW you're adding a qualifier of 'this level'.

maybe you should slow down and think about the exact words you should post before posting.
A ban on assault weapons