4 kids killed outside Atlanta.

I said what I think we should do in post 26.
What you said in post 26 was complete and utter bullshit. It doesn't matter why they do it until you commit measures to make it too difficult. Should we have counselled the terrorists before putting doors on airplane cockpits? How many planes have they hijacked since then? Did they magically stop wanting to kill us? FFS wise up.

We have to secure the facilities our kids attend. Period. If there is a door it can be locked. What a pant load. One way in and one way out without an alarm going off. Doesn't matter who built the school it can be modified for relatively cheap.

For what it's worth you have correctly identified many of the reasons why they are doing it but pretending we can make a U turn on our society and an entire generation of kids by throwing money at some fucking counselor is pie in the sky. To be gentle.

We can work on all the complex problems gradually if that's even possible at this point with our morally decayed country.

Right now we have to lock the cockpit. Banning box cutters won't help.
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14 year old shooter.

Totally preventable.
Do you know enough details of this story to know that?

I guess so then why don't you explain what would have prevented this individual from doing this?

Of course you don't.
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If school entry was the cause of school shootings, then every person who enters a school would commit a mass shooting.
that is an incrediby stupid thing to say.....entry doesn't CAUSE people to commit murder, but obviously keeping them from entering prevents them from murdering someone inside......
That distraction is so old. Deflect, change the subject so we will not talk about the problem. GUNS. No guns, no shootings. Fewer guns, fewer shootings. A 14 year old kid likely got a gun in his home that was until today a model of gun safety. It gets old.
That distraction is so old. Deflect, change the subject so we will not talk about the problem. GUNS. No guns, no shootings. Fewer guns, fewer shootings. A 14 year old kid likely got a gun in his home that was until today a model of gun safety. It gets old.
We're always talking about the problem.... And working to keep schools and communities safe...You're always just complaining... That does get old