4 kids killed outside Atlanta.

What you said in post 26 was complete and utter bullshit. It doesn't matter why they do it until you commit measures to make it too difficult. Should we have counselled the terrorists before putting doors on airplane cockpits? How many planes have they hijacked since then? Did they magically stop wanting to kill us? FFS wise up.

We have to secure the facilities our kids attend. Period. If there is a door it can be locked. What a pant load. One way in and one way out without an alarm going off. Doesn't matter who built the school it can be modified for relatively cheap.

For what it's worth you have correctly identified many of the reasons why they are doing it but pretending we can make a U turn on our society and an entire generation of kids by throwing money at some fucking counselor is pie in the sky. To be gentle.

We can work on all the complex problems gradually if that's even possible at this point with our morally decayed country.

Right now we have to lock the cockpit. Banning box cutters won't help.
You are an idiot of biblical proportions. Try to fix a problem when you don't understand what the problem is. See how well that works for you.

Hint: Imagine trying to fix a car when you don't know whether it has a flat tire, a dead battery, or a failed transmission. Better yet, try discussing mass gun violence when you don't understand why it happens.

No one's talking about plane hijackings, dumb fuck. This is a thread about school shootings.

"Relatively cheap" is not a standard that exists in the retrofit of nearly 100,000 public schools. Have you ever heard of a building code? There is no such thing as "one way in and one way out" for the vast majority of school campuses.
Bets on this kid being on drugs for the last 5 years

WE NEED TO CONTROL PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION! We need a REGISTRY of people who are on prescription meds.

Remember kids, there's NO RIGHT to medicine in the US. But there sure as fuck is for GUNS

Diesel was wrong.

But it doesn't firm up any point you might want to make.
I was wrong. I should have said:

  • The United States leads globally in school shootings, with 288 incidents from 2009 to 2018, far surpassing other countries like Mexico and South Africa.

It doesn't matter though. The NRA-owned Republican party has bought the minds of the reich wing gun freaks in this country. Statistics (and deaths) don't matter to them.
Well if you lean right, the solutions is easy, we need more guns out there
Arm the teachers!

A teacher here in Palm Beach County had a mental break, went to the school and parked his motorcycle in the middle of the road, blocking traffic. Then he went to his classroom with his guns, because “ the bad guys were out to get him”. Thank God the voices in his head did not tell him the kids were out to get him.

Now imagine if we allow every teacher to carry a firearm.
Arm the teachers!

A teacher here in Palm Beach County had a mental break, went to the school and parked his motorcycle in the middle of the road, blocking traffic. Then he went to his classroom with his guns, because “ the bad guys were out to get him”. Thank God the voices in his head did not tell him the kids were out to get him.

Now imagine if we allow every teacher to carry a firearm.

This whole NRA "solution" of arming teachers is the most sick thing I"ve heard come out of the Ammosexual Community in a long time.

I'm totally sure most people went into education so they could partake of some hot gun action.

What the fuck is wrong with America?
Three variables found in all mass/school shootings: the shooter, the target, and the weapon

No way possible to know who the next shooter will be, today’s is a 14year old kid. America has too many potential targets, no way to protect them all. There is only one variable that is controllable, the gun that made it all possible

It is completely nuts not to address guns and especially the way to easy access to guns in America
Sadly, Ms. Harris is mistaken. This is EXACTLY how it has to be in America. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights is not just a good form of government but it's also a suicide pact.

We want the Second Amendment apparently the only way we get that is if hundreds of children get gunned down every year.

But it's a small price to pay for such an incredible right. A right that doesn't even really have any RESPONSIBILITY OR SAFETY REQUIREMENTS or OVERSIGHT or anything! JUST MORE GUNS! GUNS GUNS GUNS! All Guns all the time!

I bet if you asked any of the family of Sandy Hook, Newtown, Uvalde, Parkland, Columbine if they think the trade was worth it I bet they'd say "Hell to the yeah!"

MORE GUNS = MORE SAFE (Conditions apply)
If you can't be a responsible person with guns, don't have any guns. see how simple that is?
Three variables found in all mass/school shootings: the shooter, the target, and the weapon

No way possible to know who the next shooter will be, today’s is a 14year old kid. America has too many potential targets, no way to protect them all. There is only one variable that is controllable, the gun that made it all possible

It is completely nuts not to address guns and especially the way to easy access to guns in America
It is completely moronic to believe you can keep everyone safe by keeping everyone defenseless.
If you can't be a responsible person with guns, don't have any guns. see how simple that is?

That's a wonderful sentiment. But it has nothing to do with the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment is the only right we enjoy that carries with it ZERO responsibilities. If we required people to be RESPONSIBLE it would count as "infringing the right".
Not all drugs are "prescribed"
antidepressant prescriptions

Over the past 20 years, practically every mass shooting, including isolated shootings and suicides, have one concerning thing in common.

Psychotropic Drugs​
