That's quite a question this deep into the discussion, TOP!!!So who tried to overthrow the government?
And I've asked twice now...That's quite a question this deep into the discussion, TOP!!!
She doesn't know and I suspect she isn't capable of knowing.That's quite a question this deep into the discussion, TOP!!!
You mean the Trump era?The evidence does not match the claimed conclusion.
In an era where we are lied to constantly.
Awwww... poor triggered trumptard! Go have a good cry now!go find my idiocy.
or just tell me right now off the cuff in new words what I'm so wrong about.
you're a coward and an imbecile. you're made for each other.
i knew you couldn't do it, failure.Awwww... poor triggered trumptard! Go have a good cry now!
I've never failed. Either I've succeeded or I've learned. "Failure" is a term used only by losers.i knew you couldn't do it, failure.
Nothing but my superior intelligence, integrity and rapier wit!you have nothing.
Great thought that will be lost on MAGAts since they never learn. Their only hope for success is to install a white supremacist dictator who'll "Make things right again".I've never failed. Either I've succeeded or I've learned. "Failure" is a term used only by losers.
Nothing but my superior intelligence, integrity and rapier wit!
I decided to back off on Kamala Trump or whatever he's calling himself today. I could tell he was getting seriously upset.Great thought that will be lost on MAGAts since they never learn. Their only hope for success is to install a white supremacist dictator who'll "Make things right again".
He's out there on the edge. Most mentally ill people are more of a danger to themselves than others, but if being manipulated by a cult or gang/militia, they could be dangerous to others.I decided to back off on Kamala Trump or whatever he's calling himself today. I could tell he was getting seriously upset.
[DELETED: Another tightly cropped "Did you hear what Donald Trump said?" taken completely out of context]
[DELETED: Another tightly cropped "Did you hear what Donald Trump said?" taken completely out of context]
FTFY.Ruh roh - it's on the [fake news]! Poor fat donny!
Poor low grade fritzy,Hillary went to trump's inaugurationSo hearsay is now evidence? So is it past time for Hillary to admit she lost? The dumb just get dumber with their severe TDS.
White House staffer overheard Trump tell family members that “it doesn’t matter if you won or lost the election. You still have to fight like hell.”
Someone "overheard something."
was told by a colleague at a Detroit, MI vote-counting center
OMG!!! Was told by someone.
the campaign operative “responded, ‘Make them riot!’ and ‘Do it!'”
A campaign operative dontchyaknow.
So where does this say Trump said this? Oh, that's right. Trump didn't say anything other than "March peacefully." The shrill lunacy from the left know no bounds and will do anything to steal another election. That much we know.
He has no socks, Lunk.OMG Look at the sock "liking" their own posts! Pathetic!
What insurrection?You don't give a shit about insurrection so short the fuck up.
What crimes, Lunk?I'm loving how the trumptards are triggered by their cult leader's crimes being exposed to the world. So sweet!
MAGA isn't a person, Sybil.No thanks, Trump Dummy. I'm both straight and married. Go find yourself a nice MAGAt who would be your boyfriend.
What conversation? You aren't having one at the moment.Are you barred from actually following the conversation? Or are you REQUIRED to step in to a conversation you clearly know NOTHING about and then making big statements?
You do realize that's not how adults function, right?
So answer it.That's quite a question this deep into the discussion, TOP!!!