Looks like another school shooting.....

Crocodile tears, from a Democrat who supports mass murders of babies for the crime of being inconvenient, and sexually mutilating children based on a pop psychology fad. You of course avoid any solutions that would actually work. That would be 'racist n stuff'.
Just Another MAGA Moron (JAMM) who claims life is sacred but has no problem killing people who aren't "white Europeans" or letting them die. Yes, including children and babies.
In the United States, Black people have higher rates of gun homicide than White people across all age groups. As of 2021, gun homicide rates were highest among Black people aged between 15 and 24 years, at 70.65 gun homicides per 100,000 of the population. In comparison, there were only 2.71 gun homicides per 100,000 of the White population within this age range. However, the risk for gun homicide was greatest among all adolescents and young adults between the ages of 15 to 34 in that year.

I.E. whites have even fewer deaths per 100,000 by guns than several European countries; remove hispanics, native Americans, and other ethnic groups and whites in the U.S. are probably closer to Germany and Spain.

Congratulations, you just made a case for white Europeans to arm themselves. lol.

More fun facts for the commies and deviants to ignore:

The impact of guns on young Americans

But but it's all those armed whites out in the Red States!!!!


None of that means shit.

You're all the same thing...

Are guns capable of murdering people without human agency in your experience?

What a stupid question.

Why don't you focus on the real topic rather than this simpleton type stuff? I know you aren't the sharpest tool in the shed, but surely you understand that isn't the conversation, right?

Exactly how much of a special needs individual are you?
Then, judging by your posts. you're the ideal candidate to answer it.

Go ahead.

Why answer the world's most stupid disingenuous question? Do you think you will learn something meaningful?

You really are about the most stupid person I've met on here and that's saying something!

Says the N4T idiot who's so stupid he thinks that there can be no trumpers in Madison WI just because a majority voted for Harris in November.
You'd be surprised at just how many "Trumpers" there are in Madison (and the surrounding suburbs)... However, one issue is that the vast majority of them "lay low" or else risk being a target of leftist mob-mentality hatred in the form of violence/vandalism. Another issue is election fraud.
Madison is surrounded by MAGAMurica.
It really isn't (not in its immediate surroundings, anyway)... Much of Dane County as a whole (even in the rural areas) is filled with Marxists and otherwise politically ignorant people. The most "MAGAMurica" area of Dane County is the northernmost strip (basically, north of Hwy 19), and even then, as "Trumpy as it gets" is still roughly 50/50 (or less) at best.

Going beyond Dane County, yes, pretty much all of the other counties in the state are "MAGAMurica" (with a few exceptions here and there).
In GFM bizarro world, liberals do not want their children to get college educations, they want their children to be indoctrinated into white/christian nationalism, and become trump supporters.
In Walt bizarro world, he hallucinates that GFM ever said anything about college educations, and then falsely assumes that all Christians are "Trump supporters", and then even sprinkles in a bit of his own racism on top, pretending that his racism somehow belongs to GFM.

Goddamn how stupid are you?

When I say the average height of an American male is 5'9" do you think that ALL AMERICAN MEN ARE 5'9"?????????????????????????????

Wow, the dumbass is really triggered now. Sucks for he/she/it/mutant when left wing racism gets shot down.
In Walt bizarro world, he hallucinates that GFM ever said anything about college educations, and then falsely assumes that all Christians are "Trump supporters", and then even sprinkles in a bit of his own racism on top, pretending that his racism somehow belongs to GFM.


Well, they're mentally ill, and can't help themselves. TDS has all kinds of severe side effects.
Just Another MAGA Moron (JAMM) who claims life is sacred but has no problem killing people who aren't "white Europeans" or letting them die. Yes, including children and babies.

^^^Loon is mad because there are lots of white people in Europe. Can't admit most gun violence and kiddie murderers are Democrats and 'Progressives'.

Same trend in Europe; non-whites commit more murders and violence.

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According to available data, in Europe, particularly in countries like England and Wales, individuals identifying as Black are significantly overrepresented as victims of murder compared to the White population, with homicide rates for Black people being several times higher per capita, even when accounting for population differences; this disparity is reflected in murder statistics across various European nations where detailed ethnic data is collected.

Key points about European murder demographics:
  • Higher Black victim rates:
    Studies show that Black people in countries like England and Wales experience significantly higher homicide rates compared to White people.
  • Disproportionate representation:
    While the majority of murder victims may be White due to population size, the homicide rate per capita is much higher among Black individuals.

  • Immigration and crime concerns:
    Some research links higher crime rates in certain European regions to immigrant populations, particularly from non-Western backgrounds.
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None of that means shit.

You're all the same thing...


Sure it does. It means most kiddie murderers are Democrats, silly. There needs to be laws keeping you sick fucks away from kids, for one. For two it would be nice if you and your ilk would get deported or put on reservations, away from civilized people.
Nobody cares anymore, we have accepted this as a regular occurrence
It's only a regular occurrence since Democrats created "gun free zones", and fucked people up with psychoquackery and child mutilation.

Yes...I care about it.

Hold Democrat policies responsible for these mass shootings. Shoot back before a mass shooter gets very far.

And don't try to go for the "It's for the children" angle. You HATE children.