A Congressional Gold Medal for NYC Subway Hero Daniel Penny? Make It So!

@TOP is reposting yesterday's posts because no one responded to them because no one respects her because she's a fucking idiot. #SAD #MAGA

She's been following me around for almost 15 years now. It's what she does when 1) she can't back up what she says, and/or 2) she realizes she's lost the debate but still needs the attention. She deliberately phrases opinions as statements of fact, without any corroboration, because she knows that it sparks rational, intelligent people to respond. She's a troll.
Thanks. I've loved political cartoons and political humor since I was old enough to read the newspaper. The next four years are going to be a gold mine for the artists, comedy show writers and hosts, SNL, and everyone else who dearly loves it when the clown trips over his own feet and falls down. Ciao!
Cool. I'm going to thoroughly enjoy having adults in charge instead of sexual freaks and woke idiots.
Enjoy the next 4 years, loser.
Thanks. I've loved political cartoons and political humor since I was old enough to read the newspaper. The next four years are going to be a gold mine for the artists, comedy show writers and hosts, SNL, and everyone else who dearly loves it when the clown trips over his own feet and falls down. Ciao!
The fucking moron keeps using that same phrase. It indicates limited thinking. His avatar's hat should read "I'm a MORON".
Defending women and children on the subway might be, though, eh, Nerdsperg?

What's the matter, are you all choked up?
Why is it so hard for you to understand something so simple? You are obdurate because you somehow think you are winning battles. There are none. My point is he had him subdued and the people on the subway, all those wrestlers and football players, were saved . He had the option to let up enough to keep him alive. He was no danger at that point. and perhaps was never a danger to anyone. He was rowdy and noisy, but still a small man who was no threat. Regardless, he could have allowed him to breathe.