A Congressional Gold Medal for NYC Subway Hero Daniel Penny? Make It So!

Our cities need much improved mental health services and housing and support for the homeless...Both are esserntial essential to creating a safer community for everyone.
Jordan Neely is a tragic reminder of this...He was failed by the community and the justice system and his family... He shouldn't have been in that subway car that day...raging and threatening the lives of others—America has to do better...no one should be abandoned and left behind to struggle like that...
Why won't people recognize that and do something about it? Before it's too late for someone else...
But it's wrong to blame a brave citizen who simply did what he knew he needed to do to protect innocent citizens in the car that day...
Our cities need much improved mental health services and housing and support for the homeless...Both are esserntial essential to creating a safer community for everyone.
Jordan Neely is a tragic reminder of this...He was failed by the community and the justice system and his family... He shouldn't have been in that subway car that day...raging and threatening the lives of others—America has to do better...no one should be abandoned and left behind to struggle like that...
Why won't people recognize that and do something about it? Before it's too late for someone else...
But it's wrong to blame a brave citizen who simply did what he knew he needed to do to protect innocent citizens in the car that day...
Choking him wasn't "helping" him. Literally one billion people ride the subway each year, yes including some mentally unbalanced people who yell and shout and threaten. NY ers have seen it all. It is taken care of without choking the person to death like ramo Penny . Funny that a drunken simple minded yokel in a shit hole called Bexley KNOWS what goes on and what happens in The NYC Subway

The outside Places are scary to you
Long overdue...and Joe and Kam have already stepped aside, it seems...
That's really no surprise...
He really exhausted what little he had left with pardoning all those "innocent" people...;)

Yes. Those Red Chinese pedophiles were being oppressed n stuff, and Democrats everywhere are grateful for the relief.
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Good Morning;)

Translation: I just crawled off my mattress and got a drink! Look at MEEE! Whip me! Beat me! Humiliate me! Mock me! Make me squeal in pain! I love it! Give me more!

Daniel Penny did what he felt he had to do that day...Any person following the story, the trial, all the details, and how if unfolded, understands that...
It's no surprise that some do not...posts peppered with personal attacks just confirm that some are incapable of rational discussion about Daniel Penny or Jordan Neely...
Thankfully those people are far and few between...
Daniel Penny did what he felt he had to do that day...Any person following the story, the trial, all the details, and how if unfolded, understands that...
It's no surprise that some do not...posts peppered with personal attacks just confirm that some are incapable of rational discussion about Daniel Penny or Jordan Neely...
Thankfully those people are far and few between...
He could have let him breathe.
lllHe could have let him breathe.
I'm sure that you and any others questioning how he handled the situation would have done things differently that day...
I listened to the details, the testimony, the witnesses, the medical reports, every detail possible....
You sound like you believe that it was the "goal" to end his life...you know that's simply not true...
I'm glad that Daniel Penny was there that day to protect the others...I'm sad that Jordan Neely had psychotic, drug related episode that let to his death...
But your issues should be with the failures of NYC and Jordan's family...
(snipped pomous stupid crap)
But your issues should be with the failures of NYC and Jordan's family...
Yes, let us blame the (black) victim killed by an out-of-control white man who is a "hero." Diesel is right. You are truly a sick bitch lacking in compassion, morality, integrity, intelligence. Your faux "concern" for the dead guy rings about as true as your pretense to once having been a teacher. Now be sure to repeat the same smarmy dreck over and over for the next week or two, for your attention fix. You *could* put your money where your gossipy mouth is, and do something to help the homeless, mentally-ill people in YOUR community, you know. But you won't. It's far easier to sit on your withered ass and pontificate on what others should do, isn't it?
Very far and few in between...and all six post here most of the day, so there's hope...;)
Actually, at least 2 of us spend a lot of time on the subway. Since we all know what Penny looks like now, I hope he is wise enough to avoid it.