Elton John is right, marijuana legalization was a ‘great mistake’

Not in many ways it should be. Oh, pot in many ways is more dangerous with even moderate use.

So you think something that we KNOW kills tens of thousands of Americans each year is less dangerous than one that might kill 200 people a year?

Interesting reasoning there. Sounds like you really value alcohol and will make whatever excuse you have to to keep alcohol available.

Hmmmmmmm. Says a lot, actually.
How many would be too many? During covid you maggots whine one person died. Now? 200? Who gives a shit right? Stfu

You misunderstand (not surprising given your limited attention span).

I'm saying that if weed is bad enough to ban and keep illegal, then alcohol, BY DEFINITION, a MUCH WORSE MORE DANGEROUS DRUG, should also be banned and made illegal.

You cannot support banning one and allowing the other. That is called HYPOCRISY.
You misunderstand (not surprising given your limited attention span).

I'm saying that if weed is bad enough to ban and keep illegal, then alcohol, BY DEFINITION, a MUCH WORSE MORE DANGEROUS DRUG, should also be banned and made illegal.

You cannot support banning one and allowing the other. That is called HYPOCRISY.
Like always you didn't answer the question bitch.
So you think something that we KNOW kills tens of thousands of Americans each year is less dangerous than one that might kill 200 people a year?

Interesting reasoning there. Sounds like you really value alcohol and will make whatever excuse you have to to keep alcohol available.

Hmmmmmmm. Says a lot, actually.

Marijuana, weight for weight, is three times more carcinogenic than tobacco. Used regularly over a prolonged period, it gives someone a nearly 20% greater chance of developing a bipolar / schizophrenic disorder. Used shortly before or while driving is or can be just as dangerous as drinking and driving.

Both alcohol and marijuana have their issues, and I see both as equally bad in their own way. Just because alcohol is far more widely used is no reason to ignore marijuana's issues.
Marijuana, weight for weight, is three times more carcinogenic than tobacco. Used regularly over a prolonged period, it gives someone a nearly 20% greater chance of developing a bipolar / schizophrenic disorder. Used shortly before or while driving is or can be just as dangerous as drinking and driving.

Both alcohol and marijuana have their issues, and I see both as equally bad in their own way. Just because alcohol is far more widely used is no reason to ignore marijuana's issues.
A pinch of today's marijuana is more potent than an entire joint years ago.
Marijuana, weight for weight, is three times more carcinogenic than tobacco.

I am curious where you got that. Because this study

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Health and Medicine Division; Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice; Committee on the Health Effects of Marijuana: An Evidence Review and Research Agenda.
Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2017 Jan 12.

Found the following:

"More conclusive findings and less extensive methodological limitations in the literature on lung, testicular, and head and neck cancers allowed the committee to conclude that there is moderate evidence that there is no statistically significant association between cannabis use and the incidence of lung or head and neck cancer, and limited evidence that there is a statistically significant association between current, frequent, or chronic cannabis use and the incidence of non-seminoma-type testicular germ cell tumors. "

So I'm really curious what studies you are relying on.

I'm not saying that smoking pot doesn't run the risk like smoking tobacco, just that you seem to be making it sound like it is so much more carcinogenic and I'm not seeing the data to support that point.

Used shortly before or while driving is or can be just as dangerous as drinking and driving.

LITERALLY NO ONE SAID OTHERWISE. But alcohol still holds the championship for automobile fatalities.

Both alcohol and marijuana have their issues, and I see both as equally bad in their own way. Just because alcohol is far more widely used is no reason to ignore marijuana's issues.

But if you want to keep pot illegal you MUST BY DEFINITION also demand alcohol be made illegal since it is EASILY far more dangerous and PROVEN TO BE SO.
Is that what he said?


Richard Nixon meets BATMAN!