Nemo me impune lacessit
Seems you don't understand Capitalism very good.
Seems you don't speak English very well.
Seems you don't understand Capitalism very good.
And Trump loves his enemies.
stick to posting pictures, you moronDoes he? What's that got to do with the reasons illegals invade the US?
Of course, I'll understand if you can't explain.
stick to posting pictures, you moron
duhhhhh picturesYour submission to my superior intelligence is acceptable.
duhhhhh pictures
Because MEXICO IS POORER than the US and there is LESS EXPENDABLE CASH around. Plus America is burdened with all sorts of laws making the workplace safe and ensuring a minimum salary. Most US companies won't allow children to be sprayed every day with aggressive carcinogenic pesticides.
So we have to use illegal labor for that. Americans BY THE ZILLIONS hire illegals to do yardwork for super cheap. Contractors hire them all the time. Corporate farms use them to work the fields and they have the added benefit of NEVER FILING AN OSHA COMPLAINT BECAUSE THEY AND THEIR KIDS ARE DYING OF CANCER DUE TO WORKPLACE EXPOSURES!
Truly the Illegal workers is GREAT for America: they work for wages we wouldn't even feel good about paying ANIMALS and we can dump as many horrific chemicals on them as we want! It's win-win for us!
Maybe their government doesn't care one way or the other and is glad to be rid of them.Maybe the fugitives weren't in danger of being imprisoned for disagreements with their own governments.
So I keep hearing that illegals bring so much to the economy. I think Jarod once stated our economy would collapse without all of this cheap labor.
So the natural question is this. If these people are so economically viable and bring so much vitality to an economy, why aren't they doing so in their own countries?
Why aren't the boosting their own economy? Why do they have to come here?
Maybe their government doesn't care one way or the other and is glad to be rid of them.
I have a feeling the MAGA's may be a bit off on the economics w/ mass deportation.
OMG. They say there are no stupid questions. They are wrong.
Compare the infrastructure in your neighborhood with that of Guatemala, Honoduras, Belize, Venezuela. Even better, compare the infrastructure in a typical American "inner city" *wink wink* with that in one of the Central American countries where most of these guys come from. Which one do you think offers the better opportunity to find work, a decent place to live, plenty of food -- and no roving gangs and cartels beating and shooting and raping. Pick one. As bad as some of our urban areas are, they are paradise compared to where many of these human beings come from.
As far as our economy were they to vanish? Massive inflation, economic chaos, shortages, loss of tax revenue, companies closing for lack of personnel, personal services (housekeeping, child care, hospitality, nursing home staff) curtailed, crops rotting. Welcome to #MAGATParadise!
So I keep hearing that illegals bring so much to the economy. I think Jarod once stated our economy would collapse without all of this cheap labor.
So the natural question is this. If these people are so economically viable and bring so much vitality to an economy, why aren't they doing so in their own countries?
Why aren't the boosting their own economy? Why do they have to come here?