Man dies of asthma attack after inhaler cost skyrockets to more than $500

Link to his inhaler costing over 500.00
That has already been given. Even your own link shows that three inhalers would have cost $165, and that is with generic inhalers on discount. Without the discount, your link claims that the generic inhalers would have cost $945, and assumably the non-generic inhalers would have cost more.
That has already been given. Even your own link shows that three inhalers would have cost $165, and that is with generic inhalers on discount. Without the discount, your link claims that the generic inhalers would have cost $945, and assumably the non-generic inhalers would have cost more.
Do u know the difference between 55.00 and 500.00

Would have cost ..... 😂 😂 😂

If his parents would have paid for his inhaler he would be alive today
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Do u know the difference between 55.00 and 500.00
According to your link, you can get 3 generic inhalers for $165 with a coupon. We can both agree that 3 times 55 is 165 right? And the full price of 3 generic inhalers is $945. We can both agree that 3 times 315 is $945.

Now generic inhalers would cost less than non-generic inhalers, so the cost of three of those would be something above $945. 500 is less than 945, so they were actually offering a discount to get to 500.

A better deal could be had if he went to the doctor and got a generic inhaler prescription, but no one explained that to him. They just told him that the price was now above $500. The pharmacist who was supposed to help him navigate a complex system did not. There is a fair argument to be made that the pharmacist was paid kickbacks to not do his job.

Maybe there is a new math out there that 3 times 55 is 55, or that 3 times 315 is also 55. After all we are being told that we can cut one or two percent and get 30% savings. Next we will be told that 1+1=3.
And our resident MAGA mooks and Alt-Right reprehensible shrug and say, "So what? It doesn't affect me or mine, so any excuse/justification for the actions of the Apartheid Punk/Cheeto Jeezus is cool with me!"

Meanwhile, Vole and his ilk whined liked little bitches that just the idea of gun control COULD result in the deaths of unarmed, law-abiding citizens IF they are faced with violent intruders/assailants.

Real life results vs. fictitious scenarios. You can't make this stuff up, folks.
The no class is posting about his death and lying about it costing over 500.00
The lawsuit states the cost, my little atheist. If it's legit, they'll win. If not, they'll lose.

Your emotional investment in this issue says a lot about you. I'm happy to wait and see how it all plays out.
According to your link, you can get 3 generic inhalers for $165 with a coupon. We can both agree that 3 times 55 is 165 right? And the full price of 3 generic inhalers is $945. We can both agree that 3 times 315 is $945.

Now generic inhalers would cost less than non-generic inhalers, so the cost of three of those would be something above $945. 500 is less than 945, so they were actually offering a discount to get to 500.

A better deal could be had if he went to the doctor and got a generic inhaler prescription, but no one explained that to him. They just told him that the price was now above $500. The pharmacist who was supposed to help him navigate a complex system did not. There is a fair argument to be made that the pharmacist was paid kickbacks to not do his job.

Maybe there is a new math out there that 3 times 55 is 55, or that 3 times 315 is also 55. After all we are being told that we can cut one or two percent and get 30% savings. Next we will be told that 1+1=3.
I always get generic meds since my insurance pays for it. Most of my meds are $5 or less for a three-month supply.

What happened with the kid is unknown, but his condition was obviously very serious since it cost him his life.
I always get generic meds since my insurance pays for it. Most of my meds are $5 or less for a three-month supply.

What happened with the kid is unknown, but his condition was obviously very serious since it cost him his life.
To bad his parents didn't pay for his inhaler

Maybe they can sue each other
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A person is responsible for the choices they make... he chose not to buy the inhaler his parents chose not to buy his inhaler

All knowing if he didn't have it he would die
No. They didn't know he would die. Asthma is not a death sentence simply because you don't have an inhaler.