I can't wait for leftists to tank the economy tomorrow

My remaining brother lives in Texas. Due to a number of health problems (he is 82 now), he doesn't leave his house much and watches daytime TV all the time, including Fox. The other day he asked me if I was worried about "debanking." I asked WTF was that. According to what he heard -- probably on Fox -- banks across the country are canceling the accounts of conservatives. Seriously. I am not sure if he believed it though, since he brought it up in kind of a trollish fashion. I just laughed and said that it would be illegal and how would your bank know your political flavor anyways? They're there to make money. They aren't going to cancel accounts and let the customer go elsewhere with his funds, Sheesh.

But yep, that's where Toxic gets her "information," along with thousands of other gullible morons.
Debanking is a conspiracy theory that's been around since Obama. A bank refuses to give loans to risking business proposals and the far right conspiracy theorists, including Pedo Don himself, claim the ones that were right winged are being biased against. Notice they don't whine about the LW ones. LOL

What to know about the fight over ‘debanking’​

by Julia Shapero - 02/09/25 2:23 PM ET

“Debanking” has become an increasingly popular talking point for Republicans in recent weeks, as they take aim at Biden-era regulators who they accuse of boxing conservatives and cryptocurrency firms out of the financial system.

Despite its newfound traction, debanking isn’t an entirely new issue, with Republicans airing grievances over the issue since the Obama
So you are talking about what the Canadians are doing, something a lot of Americans don't even know about, Thanks for sharing .
So you are talking about what the Canadians are doing, something a lot of Americans don't even know about, Thanks for sharing .
There are 4 of you here that claim to nothing about it... You're welcome... Now get out there and shop...buy something fun...
Treat yourself...you'll be in a much better mood...
If you could buy any 5 fun things today, what you you buy?
The other day he asked me if I was worried about "debanking." I asked WTF was that. According to what he heard -- probably on Fox -- banks across the country are canceling the accounts of conservatives.
:laugh: When they see it on FOX, or from a dubious Russian source on Facebook, they just automatically assume it is legit huge breaking news, and a harbinger of an impending communist plot by Deep State.
There are 4 of you here that claim to nothing about it... You're welcome... Now get out there and shop...buy something fun...
Treat yourself...you'll be in a much better mood...
If you could buy any 5 fun things today, what you you buy?
Why would we know anything about it when IMO it is right wing BULLSHIT, and most of us don't watch / listen to right wing media outlets.
Well that is another NEW ONE.
The economy was doing a LOT better at the end of Biden's term then when he took over and now the Right is trying to make it look like it was bad, just like they did when Trump took over from Obama.
Trump will tank it with his tariffs and try to put all the blame on the Dems. Trump can NEVER take credit for all the things he fucks up. Never did NEVER will.

The sad thing, kind of, is that ppl who have planned to weather downturns will do okay. The ones who will really suffer are the ones living on fixed incomes and/or who are low income, like Toxic and many other MAGATs. I say "kind of" because I admit to enjoying a nice cup of Schadenfreude every now and then. lol
Again thanks for the info I didn't see any of this BS on any social media and I have ONLY seen it on what you have posted Nowhere else.
Debanking is a conspiracy theory that's been around since Obama. A bank refuses to give loans to risking business proposals and the far right conspiracy theorists, including Pedo Don himself, claim the ones that were right winged are being biased against. Notice they don't whine about the LW ones. LOL

What to know about the fight over ‘debanking’​

by Julia Shapero - 02/09/25 2:23 PM ET

“Debanking” has become an increasingly popular talking point for Republicans in recent weeks, as they take aim at Biden-era regulators who they accuse of boxing conservatives and cryptocurrency firms out of the financial system.

Despite its newfound traction, debanking isn’t an entirely new issue, with Republicans airing grievances over the issue since the Obamaadministration.

Thanks. I knew it was bunkum when he said it and I think he did too. Big brothers like to yank our strings. lol
Evidently, they let FOX instruct them on how to feel.

When Obama wore a tan suit, FOX told MAGA morons to gnash their teeth for weeks.

I remember that! I bet you can't guess who went on and on about it on the other forum, can you? And OMG you should have heard what the dumb twat had to say about Mrs. Obama's sleeveless dresses and her "manly biceps." :laugh:
I remember that! I bet you can't guess who went on and on about it on the other forum, can you? And OMG you should have heard what the dumb twat had to say about Mrs. Obama's sleeveless dresses and her "manly biceps." :laugh:
Michelle Obama was an intelligent, accomplished, and attractive First Lady.

Don't you think it's odd that beer-gutted MAGA rednecks and MAGA hags found fulfillment gossiping about Michelle?
Again thanks for the info I didn't see any of this BS on any social media and I have ONLY seen it on what you have posted Nowhere else.

Apparently it's a Canadian thing in response to the Toadstool's tariffs. The real puzzle is why Toxic is so desperate about it. It's kind of you to give the poor needy thing so much attention though. Keeps her away from pestering the rest of the adults. :rofl2: