I can't wait for leftists to tank the economy tomorrow

Michelle Obama was an intelligent, accomplished, and attractive First Lady.

Don't you think it's odd that beer-gutted MAGA rednecks and MAGA hags found fulfillment gossiping about Michelle?

I think that has much more to do with racism. There's one KKKer on this board who *still* goes on and on about her supposedly being a male. If there's one thing they can't stand, it's an accomplished, well-educated, intelligent, assertive Black woman. They hate them even worse than they hated the accomplished, well-educated, intelligent, assertive Black man who became POTUS.
Go out to lunch...be a rebel...;)
Americans’ inflation expectations have surged to 4.3%, marking one of the sharpest three-month increases since 1979, according to new data that has economists concerned about price stability.

The University of Michigan’s consumer survey for January shows median one-year inflation expectations have climbed 1.7% since November’s election, The Economist reported on Tuesday. It represents a joint-largest quarterly increase in over four decades, rivaling periods when inflation hit double digits.
I think that has much more to do with racism. There's one KKKer on this board who *still* goes on and on about her supposedly being a male. If there's one thing they can't stand, it's an accomplished, well-educated, intelligent, assertive Black woman. They hate them even worse than they hated the accomplished, well-educated, intelligent, assertive Black man who became POTUS.

Apparently it's a Canadian thing in response to the Toadstool's tariffs. The real puzzle is why Toxic is so desperate about it. It's kind of you to give the poor needy thing so much attention though. Keeps her away from pestering the rest of the adults. :rofl2:
Here's a clue, her first posts about it. Guess what they have in common?
They are all BLACK and supporting DEI
I already see the panic on facebook... "I didn't fill up on gas yesterday....What do I do? " "What do you mean?I should have packed my lunch?"
View attachment 44615
Americans’ inflation expectations have surged to 4.3%, marking one of the sharpest three-month increases since 1979, according to new data that has economists concerned about price stability.

The University of Michigan’s consumer survey for January shows median one-year inflation expectations have climbed 1.7% since November’s election, The Economist reported on Tuesday. It represents a joint-largest quarterly increase in over four decades, rivaling periods when inflation hit double digits.

Yeah, investors are feeling pretty nervous. But there's no point in trying to tell Toxic anything. Ever since Nov. this is her:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDAmPIq29ro&ab_channel=jovichick7908
I never heard a peep about a day of no spending. Sounds like a right-wing talking point.
Okay, we have enough data now from enough lefties and never-Trumpers to say that MAGA morons blew this little story way out of proportion; they tried to make a gigantic mountain out of a little tiny molehill.

That's exactly what one gets when all their "news" comes from FOX or their rightwing social media feed.
You're too late.

The economy is already tanking. The market is down almost 2,000 from its high. Consumer & investor confidence is lower. Jobless claims are up.

Are you even noticing how much Trump is failing right now?

Will you go on a hunger strike to show how OUTRAGED you are that you lost an election?

The market remains higher than the day Trump took office. You WANT people to suffer, but it ain't reality.
The deep hole that Obama/Harris left America in is going to take a while to climb out of.

President Trump has closed the border that Biden said he couldn’t close.

He is deporting thousands of violent illegals that Biden would not deport.

The war in Ukraine is coming to an end and waste, fraud, and abuse are being addressed.

DEI is dead and trans-freaks are banned from the military.

More to come, Marty.
Ex-Captain Earl once again proves the validity of his beliefs.
I mean, why do people even vote Republican given the economic track record?

Are transgenders in sports THAT important?

You're been getting into your own stash again, barkeep.

The economy tanked under Quid Pro. Double digit inflation, $7 a gallon gasoline.

It must make you cry that gas prices are falling again...