I can't wait for leftists to tank the economy tomorrow

Afraid of you? Nah just got bored with your stupidity.

Scared shitless of me. The mindless cunt was utterly humiliated when I exposed his stupidity and dishonesty.

Now he hides, pussy that he is. He thinks that keeps me from humiliating him. Like I said, he's really stupid - like you.
Great. Then let's put the gutter rat's food stamps where her toothless mouth is.

@Phantasmal, would you be willing to privately accept @TOP's personal information and run it through the database of licensed and formerly licensed educators in Ohio?

@Damocles, will you allow Phan to post the results of her search but not the personal information itself without any fear of forum discipline?

This is so petty and not anyone's best use of time, but TOP should be bitch slapped until she is quiet so civilized discourse can resume in important threads.
Or... We can stop trying to dox members and move on with your life with the understanding that there is no "right to only hear opinions you agree with" nor is there a right to "never be offended by another's use of free speech even if you dislike them intensely and think they are somehow beneath you or even *gasp* not even woke a little bit"...
But you made over $13K yesterday, no?
BTW if you do simple math (difficult for leftists like you) it would mean she has a portfolio of about $800,000

That is based on the assumption that she is in an S&P 500 fund

$800,000 while a nice nest egg hardly makes one Warren Buffett

Do I need to walk you through the math?
Or... We can stop trying to dox members and move on with your life with the understanding that there is no "right to only hear opinions you agree with" nor is there a right to "never be offended by another's use of free speech even if you dislike them intensely and think they are somehow beneath you or even *gasp* not even woke a little bit"...
No one is trying to dox anyone, you stupid fuck. None of your rant has one single thing to do with anything that has been posted here. Have you even read this thread? Jesus fucking christ, Damo, do something worthwhile with your dumpster board and figure out what you're trying to mumble at us before it spills out of your mouth.
MAGA isn't a person, Phanty. What 'doomsaying'???
English please?

Yes, only $13K in one day. $35K YTD, which isn't that great. Trump is fucking the markets up with his continual chaos and incompetence.
I really hope you have a financial planner that is helping you out and not making decisions based on the President. The stock market has been long overdue for a correction. Have we seen a top? Some people think we have. I would never ever give investment advice, but as I said I thought it was funny that you bragged about one day out of the week and didn't take the entire volatility of the week into account. But, that is a leftist for you. Always cherry picking information to suit their needs.

I do congratulate you on amassing approx. $800K in investment savings. That is more than most.