I can't wait for leftists to tank the economy tomorrow

All my bets closed up Friday. We'll see in about six hours if that trend holds. The first hour and half after opening are usually the best for straddles in those I watch daily. Even Ford is holding steady last week, even with another recall being announced.
You mean the recall for the recall that failed for the recall that failed?
Well Tomorrow is the day Trump says he will be putting the tariffs and Canada and Mexico so watch your Ford stock it could crash Ford builds a lot of cars and trucks in both countries,
You mean the Ford that's involved in a recall for a failed recall that was for a failed recall?? That company that keeps installing defective parts on recalls?
it may hit GM too but I don't think as much as Ford.
You mean Government Motors? That failed motor company?
March 4th should be called TFAA day, Trump Fucks All Americans day.
You can call it what you like. The economy is recovering. You cannot blame the economic depression that Democrats started on Trump, Tball!
If he does it it will hurt just about every American with higher prices on almost everything we buy.
Oh, stop mindlessly chanting. All you know is what Democrats tell you to say.
Well so far Trump has been all talk and no show.
Blatant lie (denial). Why are you afraid of him then, Tball?? You are locked into another paradox. You are being irrational.
Again IF he finally does it it is going to make the price of just about everything we buy go up by the percent of the tariffs and maybe more,
Tariffs don't affect domestic goods, Tball.
I wouldn't put it past large corps. from adding an extra couple percent to pad their bottom line .
Tariffs don't affect domestic goods, Tball.
March 21-28 Nestle Boycott...April7-14.... Walmart
Another "economic blackout" (so nothing allowed) April 18th...
April 21-28 General MIlls
May 6-12 Another Amazon May 20-6. Another Walmart
June 3-8 Target ...June 24-30 McDonalds :ROFLMAO:
Watching these people utterly fail at their 'blackouts' is hilarious. It just shows what nothings they really are.
Well maybe IF the first " boycotts" had been advertised and people would have known about them they may have been bigger, but nobody I know even heard about then,
I never heard about them till you said something on here.
Thanks for putting out the new list maybe more people will hear about these and actually boycott them.
So you admit that MSNBC is a nothing, and that you are also a nothing. Gotit, Tball. You just admitted that Democrats are disorganized.
Agreed. The only thing he's done was round up brown people, illegals and American citizens alike, and put them in detention centers for deportation.
Stuff your racism up your butt, Sybil.

Illegal aliens have broken the law and are subject to deportation.
He hasn't done anything to lower grocery prices or reduce inflation which is the platform he ran on and the #1 why Biden then Harris lost.
You can't blame the economic depression that Democrats started on Trump, Sybil.
I suspect the boycotts failed to gain traction across most of America for two reasons;
1. It's about DEI.
It's not about DEI, Sybil.
A topic which does not seem to be a high priority for most Americans.
It is, Sybil. That's why you lost.
I suspect the reason is #2 below. In short, they're too busy focusing upon their families, jobs and making ends meet to worry about the civil rights of others.
Unlike you, I work for a living, Sybil.
2. Most Americans are still fighting higher prices, which Trump has failed to reduce, and will buy from whatever is cheaper regardless of a boycott.
You can't blame the economic depression caused by Democrats on Trump, Sybil. The boycott was an utter failure.

You are a nothing. MSNBC is a nothing.
Well NOBODY around here even heard of it it was advertised SOOOO good.
LOL Agreed. Notice it's only the MAGAts who are upset by this and one doesn't have to dig too deep to find out why. Two words: Al Sharpton.
I already see the panic on facebook... "I didn't fill up on gas yesterday....What do I do? " "What do you mean?I should have packed my lunch?"
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