Question: Whose interests do the Democrat Party serve?
The Democrat Party keeps steadily losing voters and they don't even realize why that is. The childish display that they put on last night during Trump's address to Congress is only a small fraction of why they are becomingly increasingly despised as a political party.
It's very clear (and has been for years now) that they don't even bother with courting this nation's legal voters anymore (instead opting to manufacture, harvest, and count fraudulent ballots, for WEEKS after "election day" if necessary, until they juuuuuust baaaaaarely "win" the "election").
They aren't the party of children; they abort children for convenience, they huddle children up in defenselessness zones so that mentally ill nutjobs can "go out with a bang" (pun intended), they sexualize children before they even enter grade school, they politically indoctrinate children rather than educating and preparing them for adulthood, they confuse children about their gender, and they mutilate children's genitals in an attempt to change their gender, forever robbing them of a normal and healthy life.
They aren't the party of women; they control women's bodies by forcing them to wear masks and get mRNA jabs in order to keep their jobs, they allow men to share bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers with women (no matter how unsafe and uncomfortable that might be for women), they delude women into believing that they aren't any different from men and that they can do anything and everything in the exact same manner that men can do (instead of highlighting the differences of women that make women unique/special), they insult mothers by referring to them as "inseminated people", and they cheer on men beating the ever loving shit out of women for sport.
They aren't the party of men; they constantly berate men simply for being men. Any man who has an opinion about anything, especially with regard to a woman, is automatically deemed a "mansplaining misogynist". They refuse to recognize any accomplishments and sacrifices of men as well as the general purpose and usefulness of men. They regularly discriminate against men in the name of "diversity". They regularly stoke the flames of war and gleefully send our young men out to die because it enrichens themselves.
They aren't the party of "the working class"; they gleefully open up our nation's borders so that criminals, cartels, and dangerous gangs can invade this nation, kill its citizens, rape its citizens, and take over its citizens' houses and possessions. They gleefully sell out USA jobs (especially manufacturing jobs) to countries all around the world. They gleefully allow other countries to tariff the ever loving shit out of us while we are expected to just bend over and take it up the rear because we are "privileged". They gleefully waste billions (even trillions) of our hard earned tax dollars on fraud/waste/abuse all over the world while they refuse to house and feed our veterans, fix our roads, and help us out by letting us keep the tax dollars that they otherwise corruptly line their own pockets with.
So, who ARE Democrats the party of? It seems to me like they are the party of child-killing, women-beating, men-berating, out-of-touch power-hungry elitists. In other words, it seems like they are the party of HATRED.
The Democrat Party keeps steadily losing voters and they don't even realize why that is. The childish display that they put on last night during Trump's address to Congress is only a small fraction of why they are becomingly increasingly despised as a political party.
It's very clear (and has been for years now) that they don't even bother with courting this nation's legal voters anymore (instead opting to manufacture, harvest, and count fraudulent ballots, for WEEKS after "election day" if necessary, until they juuuuuust baaaaaarely "win" the "election").
They aren't the party of children; they abort children for convenience, they huddle children up in defenselessness zones so that mentally ill nutjobs can "go out with a bang" (pun intended), they sexualize children before they even enter grade school, they politically indoctrinate children rather than educating and preparing them for adulthood, they confuse children about their gender, and they mutilate children's genitals in an attempt to change their gender, forever robbing them of a normal and healthy life.
They aren't the party of women; they control women's bodies by forcing them to wear masks and get mRNA jabs in order to keep their jobs, they allow men to share bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers with women (no matter how unsafe and uncomfortable that might be for women), they delude women into believing that they aren't any different from men and that they can do anything and everything in the exact same manner that men can do (instead of highlighting the differences of women that make women unique/special), they insult mothers by referring to them as "inseminated people", and they cheer on men beating the ever loving shit out of women for sport.
They aren't the party of men; they constantly berate men simply for being men. Any man who has an opinion about anything, especially with regard to a woman, is automatically deemed a "mansplaining misogynist". They refuse to recognize any accomplishments and sacrifices of men as well as the general purpose and usefulness of men. They regularly discriminate against men in the name of "diversity". They regularly stoke the flames of war and gleefully send our young men out to die because it enrichens themselves.
They aren't the party of "the working class"; they gleefully open up our nation's borders so that criminals, cartels, and dangerous gangs can invade this nation, kill its citizens, rape its citizens, and take over its citizens' houses and possessions. They gleefully sell out USA jobs (especially manufacturing jobs) to countries all around the world. They gleefully allow other countries to tariff the ever loving shit out of us while we are expected to just bend over and take it up the rear because we are "privileged". They gleefully waste billions (even trillions) of our hard earned tax dollars on fraud/waste/abuse all over the world while they refuse to house and feed our veterans, fix our roads, and help us out by letting us keep the tax dollars that they otherwise corruptly line their own pockets with.
So, who ARE Democrats the party of? It seems to me like they are the party of child-killing, women-beating, men-berating, out-of-touch power-hungry elitists. In other words, it seems like they are the party of HATRED.