Raise your own Chilckens!

It does not matter. It is usefiul in showing how far from the people's reality the wealthy are. Trump's admin is full of super-wealthy who are clueless about how people live and struggle. That is why another super tax cut for the wealthy and corporations makes sense to them.
Awww. Sybil is whining because he's poor!
We've heard that kind of stuff on this board, too. "Just don't buy eggs....just don't buy avocados."
Why not? I occasionally buy eggs (usually sell them!), and certainly buy avocados.
I tell ya - we could slip into a Depression,
You can't blame the economic depression that Democrats started on Trump! Trump will bring an end to that depression.
and MAGA's will still think Trump is amazing & is doing an amazing job & that everything is amazing.
MAGA isn't a person, drunk.
You are not allowed to have chickens in my community.
Too poor to afford them, eh? They literally live on chicken feed...much of which they find themselves!
That is normal in the US.
Your community is not the United States. Most people can raise chickens, if they choose to do so.
But it does not matter. Telling people to raise chickens for eggs, is stupid.
Then buy your eggs from someone that raises chickens.
It also shows how Trump's people relate to the people. He ran partly on the price of eggs.
He didn't run on the price of eggs, Sybil.
If Trump offered raising chickens as a solution, he would have burned the issue down.,
The solution is to break the cartels charging too much for eggs. Raise chickens if you can. Buy eggs from chicken ranchers. The solution is price discovery, something you know nothing about.
We have an idiot on this board who started many threads on the price of eggs. Now she avoids the subject,
Stop whining, Sybil.
Please stop this. I'm trying to cut WAY back on my cursing, and ... people like you (had to pause so I wouldn't call you a bad name) are making it very difficult. Of course this is not the total solution, but this is par for the course for "people like you".

You find a "problem" supposedly created by Trump but won't offer a solution. This is not a Trump problem; it's a bird flu problem that was exacerbated by the tater head's generally inflationary environment. And contrary to "people like you" who have their panties all twisted, there are at least 3 solutions:

1) Raise a few chickens if you can.

2) Don't buy eggs.

3) Shut up and pay for the eggs until they replace the 134 million chickens they culled to try and control the bird flu.

Was that so hard?

1) Understand that you're a mindless idiot who's never had an original idea or an intelligent thought.

2) Read the above statement over and over until it's burned into your.... whatever it is.

3) Shut up and stop proving that 1) is the truth about you.

Was that so hard?
MAGA isn't a person, Sybil.
MAGA isn't a person, Sybil.
MAGA isn't a person, Sybil.
MAGA isn't a person, Sybil.
MAGA isn't a person, Sybil.
MAGA isn't a person, Sybil.
MAGA isn't a person, Sybil.
MAGA isn't a person, Sybil.